It’s very embarrassing to have fat deposited in some parts of the body. The most obvious one is the fat in the armpit bra area or at the armpits. The fat stored is easily visible as when you lift your hands. The fat at armpit bra area annoys as it restricts you to wear sleeveless and deep cut dresses as the hanging fat can be easily visible. Fortunately, here are our 9 simple and best armpit exercises which works more effectively.
So here are some top 5 armpit fat exercises which can reduce as well as tone the muscles so that the fat would not hang and get tightened.
* Jumping JacksThe jumping jacks can be done at home; these exercise for armpit fat not only reduces fat at armpit bra area; it also tones the thigh and arms.
- Stand straight with both the feet together and hands on the sides ensuring knee and spine are straight.
- With a jump open both the legs wide apart.
- Simultaneously raise both the hands above the head, the elbows bend in outwards direction and palms facing in the front.
- Again with a jerk brings back the leg, feet together and hand on the sides and feel the tension at armpit and shoulders.
- Like this does exercises to burn armpit fat for ten times and repeat for three sets.
* Side Bending in Sitting PostureThis side bending armpit exercise stretches the armpit bra area, underarms along with the waist sides also.
- Sit on the yoga mat with both the legs folded and intact.
- Ensure back, and spine is straight and both the hands on the sides.
- Place the right palms on the waist with elbows bent.
- With a deep breath lift the left hand upwards and bend the shoulders, neck and head towards the right side. - You could feel the stretch on the armpit area and entire sides and also on the arms.
- Stay on this site for 10 seconds and come back to start point do the same on the other side and feel the stretch.
- Repeat like these exercises to get rid of armpit fat for 20 times for magical results.
* Reduce Armpit Fat with Triceps StretchThis is a fantastic armpit workout in the armpit for armpit bra area and it even tones the arms also.
- First, stand straight with feet apart and hold a dumbbell in both the palms of the hand. The dumbbell can be about 4-5 pounds each.
- The knee of the leg should not bend, spine and back also should be straight.
- Then take a deep breath lift the right hand straight facing towards the sky and then bend the elbow toward the left at the back of the head with dumbbells.
- Then raise the right hand once again facing towards the ceiling without bending the elbows here you can feel the tension at armpit bra area and on the underarms also.
- For support place the left hand on the inner arm area.
- Like this do for 10 times with the right hand and then do the same with another hand.
- Relax for a while and do armpit fat workout for 2-3 sets with both hands.
* Mountain Climbing to Reduce Fat at Armpit Bra AreaThese workouts for armpit fat exerts pressure on the whole body and lends a good exercise to reduce the fat at armpit bra area.
- Start the workout with plank posture, wherein both the hands are placed underneath the shoulders, hands, elbows, legs and knees are straight and abs are tight and engaged.
- Then raise the right knee and bend in towards the chest with foot touching the floor.
- Then immediately jump and switch to the left leg while you are in the air. Try to keep the body straight while doing the workout.
- Repeat the same exercise to reduce armpit for a minute in rapid succession and slowly increase the time for two minutes.
* Arm CirclingArm circles help in toning the armpit area and along with that your shoulders and back also get toned up. You can even do half arm circles or full arm circle.
- For this exercise, you need to stand straight with both the feet placed together and hands on the sides.
- Then lift the arms to the sides and place them at shoulder height, ensuring to keep them straight.
- Now slowly and gradually rotate both the hands and try to make big clockwise circles keeping the finger pointed towards the wall.
- Ensure shoulder, back, arms and legs are straight and do the same anti-clockwise also.
- Do for at least 20 times in both the directions.