5 Food To Help You Gain Muscles

If you want to add more muscle mass to your body frame, muscle strength exercises are essential. Regular workouts will stimulate your muscles to grow bigger and help build the type of muscles you want.

But vigorous workouts alone will not get you to your goal. You also need to eat the right foods. The foods you eat for meals, snacks and immediately after workouts have a huge impact on how your muscles are building.

* Eggs

Egg whites contain protein, which is the building block of muscles. In fact, they contain high quality protein with all nine essential amino acids needed for optimal muscle recovery and building, as well as valuable minerals like calcium, zinc and iron.

* Chicken Breast

Another superfood to get lean muscle is chicken breast. It is a great source of lean protein, which is easily synthesized to repair muscle tissue and other cells damaged during hard training.

* Milk

Milk is another good muscle food. It has two high quality proteins – whey and casein. Whey protein is quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream. Casein, on the other hand, is digested slowly, giving the body a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time.

* Salmon

Fish, especially salmon, is considered one of the best foods for muscle building. Salmon can help you build lean muscle and burn fat because of its unique combination of long-chain omega-3 fats EPA and DHA, B vitamins and high quality protein.

* Quinoa

As quinoa is high in protein and low in calories, it is an ideal food for building lean muscle. The protein it contains is made up of all nine essential amino acids, which means it’s a complete protein that will help build and repair muscles.
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