With PMS symptoms and bloating come fluctuating cravings. When Aunt Flo comes to visit, are you getting all of your dietary needs? Or are you just a slave to chocolate or junk food? These food alternatives will help ease cramping while keeping you on a healthy diet.
# Low-salt snacksA lot of women can relate to having an intense craving for all things salty during their period. Dr. Caudle says this is problematic because it could worsen the bloating that often comes with PMS.
# High in CalciumClark tells Glamour that previous research has suggested that calcium can lessen the severity of PMS. Try going for dairy products, leafy greens, tofu, or other foods high in calcium when you’re cramping during your period.
# SaffronStudies have also found a link between Saffron and PMS relief. Making sure to get about 30 milligrams a day should be enough.
# Iron-rich foodsNaturally, losing a lot of blood means you’re more prone to anemia. To fight this, Clark recommends eating red meat, seafood, poultry, leafy greens and fortified cereals.
# GingerCommonly used to treat an upset stomach, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can also help ease period pain caused by cramps. Just like saffron, ginger goes well with teas or sauces; it can also be blended into smoothies.