5 Foods That are The Best Source of Iron

Do you get extremely tired while doing a small amount of work? Do you feel breathlessness just by taking a few steps up on the stairs even though you are physically fit? If you are facing all these problems in your daily life, you might be lacking in IRON – especially if you are a woman.

IRON is an essential mineral and an important component of Haemoglobin, the substance in RBC that carries Oxygen from your lungs to transport it throughout your body. It is also necessary to maintain healthy cells, skin, hair, and nails.

Women need more iron because they lose blood each month during their periods. You might need more Iron if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Not only this, even if you workout a lot, u need the right amount of Iron because intense exercises can destroy RBC. That’s why women from ages 19 to 50 years need to get 18 mg of Iron each day while men, the same age can get away with just 8 mg of Iron.

# Spinach

This dark green leafy vegetable is quite well known for its several nutritional qualities. We all know that Popeye made himself super strong by eating spinach. It has a great ability to increase vitality, restore energy and improve the quality of blood as it contains good levels of iron. Spinach has an array of phytonutrients in addition to its iron content.

Both raw and cooked spinach are excellent sources of iron though cooking spinach helps your body absorb its nutrients more easily. You can add Spinach in your Salads, Sandwiches or Soups.

# Soybean

It gives a good source of nutritional iron in iron-deficient individuals. Along with iron, you will get the added benefits of Vitamin C, Zinc and Calcium which have their own important health benefits. A woman would only need a cup of soybeans in a day to almost completely satisfy her daily recommended amount of iron. Consider adding soybean to the soups you make. Apart from adding iron to it, the soup will give you good flavor and texture too.

# Chickpeas

These legumes can boost your energy level because of their high iron content. The best part is, Chickpeas are available all year-round and can be easily incorporated into any dish. You can sprinkle some chickpeas over your salad to add a nutty flavor or simply add them in your soup to increase its nutritional content. As these are a source of non-heme iron so try to pair it with vitamin C rich foods, helping your body to absorb a little more.

# Oyster

It is great news for people who enjoy seafood that apart from iron, oysters are rich in proteins and other minerals like zinc too. They are also great for women who have calcium deficiency and low sexual desires. Go ahead, splurge on a plate of Oysters and you have surpassed the daily requirement.

# Liver

The amount of iron in the liver varies considerably depending on the type of liver you eat. Beef liver contains much less iron, around 5 milligrams per 3-ounce serving, compared with chicken liver, which contains 11 milligrams per 3-ounce serving. A 2 1/2-ounce serving of pork liver supplies 13.4 milligrams. So Pork liver is a smarter option. It’s slightly leaner and higher iron and vitamin C levels. But it should be eaten in moderation as it is higher in cholesterol.
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