5 Foods That Causes Joint Pain

For the most part, arthritic pain is triggered by the food one eats. To help manage flareups, read on to learn about the foods to avoid with arthritis and joint pain.

# Sausages and Hotdogs

Sausages and hotdogs, among other processed meats, are food options you should stay away from if you’re suffering from arthritis. This is because they contain high amounts of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs).

Advanced Glycation End-Product Definition: Toxins that surface when you pasteurize, grill, or fry food

# White Rice

Refined carbohydrates such as white rice can cause blood sugar spikes. While white rice alone won’t be enough to lead to arthritis, it may worsen or aggravate its symptoms.

You can replace this side dish with fiber sources like broccoli, cauliflower, or brown rice.

# Pre-Packaged Baked Goodies

If you’re experiencing symptoms of arthritis, then you might want to avoid pre-packaged baked treats in the meantime. These are coated in partially hydrogenated oil, a semi-solid oil that increases shelf life and reduces the need for refrigeration.

While it may be a useful oil, it’s also loaded with harmful trans fats, which can cause inflammation even in healthy people.

# Pretzels

Pretzels are an all-time favorite snack. But they’re also rich in refined grains which makes it one of the top foods to avoid with gouty arthritis.

Replace them with fiber-enriched options such as pistachios or chickpeas. They have the same salty, addictive flavor but not as much inflammation-causing refined carbs.

# Ice Cream

Ice cream is one of the most popular dessert options in the world. But each bite is loaded with high amounts of sugar, dairy, and saturated fats—all of which may induce inflammation.

Firstly, saturated fats are one of the most harmful inflammation-inducing compounds found in modern foods.

Secondly, removing dairy may help ease some symptoms of arthritis.
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