5 Health Benefits of Eating Pineapple Daily

Very few people know that pineapple is the second most favourite tropical fruit in the world. Fresh pineapple juice has adequate quantity of vitamins, enzymes and minerals which are good for overall development of health. It has many health benefits and can fight against stomach infections,constipation, indigestion, arthritis and sinusitis. As far as its benefits are concerned, the fully ripened fruit is the most beneficial one.

* Improves Digestion

The enzyme bromelain present in Pineapple is useful in digestion and ensure neutralization of acids. Bromelain breaks down protein into simpler form and promotes digestion. It regulates pancreas secretion to aid in digestion process. Besides natural digestion aids, bromelain encourages healing of wounds, reduce pain in arthritis. Bromelain also helps in treatment of indigestion and acts as anti-inflammatory agent.

* Bromelain’s Benefits

Pineapple juice contains bromelain enzyme which is beneficial in preventing of cough and colds as well as has other therapeutic values. Fibrin which is known as clotting of blood gets broken down into simpler form by bromelain. Bromelain helps in improvement of breathing by thinning mucous in the respiratory region. [smartads]Taking bromelain properly helps to lessen pain in arthritis. It is also beneficial in inflammatory conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and rosacea. It is also used as immunity booster. Bromelain enzyme has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancerous substance.

* Strengthens Bones

Pineapple is good in maintaining strong and healthy bones due to presence of manganese. A cup of pineapple juice contains about 73 percent of manganese for daily requirement of the body. Pineapple helps to grow bones at the younger stage while strengthening at the older stage. The juice contains vitamin C and solves the problems related with gums. Instead of strengthening of bones, manganese is also useful in healing wounds, blood sugar regulation, increases immunity and keeps the skin healthy.

* Good for Eyesight

Pineapple contains beta-carotene and vitamin A that good for eyesight. Drinking of pineapple juice prevents macular degeneration and reduces the risk of vision loss at the old age, as suggested by many studies. The presence of anti-oxidants helps to solve the eye related problems and maintains good eye health.

* Combats Arthritis and Joint Pain

Drinking a glass of pineapple juice can greatly help to alleviate the signs and symptoms of arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory in nature. Pineapple juice reduces pain to old age people who are initially suffering from arthritis. Juice of pineapple also gives relief from muscle pain. Eating of this fruit strengthens bones. The presence of bromelain enzyme is considered to reduce inflammation and swelling.
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