On hearing the pomegranate, a saying goes: 'One pomegranate, hundred ill.' Don't get shocked, pomegranate is not a home for diseases, but it is very beneficial for our body. The best thing about it is that it is available throughout the year. Although many people underestimate this superb fruit. But today we tell you how pomegranate is beneficial for our body.
# Anti agingVery few people are familiar with the fact that pomegranate is a very good source of antioxidant. So it protects body cells from free radicals, so you do not look old before time. Free radicals are formed from sunlight and toxic elements present in the environment.
# Blood ThinnerBlood accumulates in two ways. First, in the case of cutting or burning, the blood gets accumulated, causing the flow of blood to stop. The other type of blood is internalized internally, which is very dangerous. For example, due to blood clotting in the heart or artery, the result could be deadly. Antioxidant properties present in pomegranate do the same thing for blood, which makes for stomach. It prevents blood clotting or clotting in the body.
# Prevents from atherosclerosisThe wall of the arteries with increasing age and mis-food becomes stiff, which inhibits the flow of blood. Antioxidant properties of pomegranate prevents oxidising with lower density lipoprotein and cholesterol. That is, pomegranates protect the vein wall from being hardened with excess fat.
# Oxygen MaskIn simple language, pomegranate juice increases the level of oxygen in the blood. Its antioxidant reduces cholesterol, protects against free radicals and prevents blood clotting from occurring. That is, pomegranate improves the flow of blood in the body, which also improves oxygen levels in the blood.
# Prevention from ArthritisPomegranates protect cartilag of the person suffering from arthritis from getting damage. This fruit fights with cartilage-destroying enzymes and provides protection against burning and inflammation.