Walking is something which a type of simple physical activity for all of us. But do you know that there is another level of walking, “Walking Meditation.” Meditation while walking is another level of experience, that origin in Buddhism and it is known to be a part of mindfulness practice.
This technique has many benefits and it can be helpful to bring more balance and peace in your life. One of the key benefits of walking meditation is it helps to develop a sense of awareness of your body, your thoughts and your surroundings. When you are doing meditative walking, you can walk back, forth, straight line or in a labyrinth, and even in a circle. You can also do walking meditation over a longer distance.
Mostly practitioners do the walking meditation between seated meditations, but the pace of walking meditation is slow but may also depend on the specific technique.
# Meditative walking helps to boost the blood flowWalking meditation is helpful for the people who sit for long hours. This practice increases the blood flow mainly in the legs. The meditative walking also helps to get rid of lethargy and stagnancy.
When a person follow meditative walking this will help them raise their energy level if they feel low and lack of energy they can get rid of this problem easily by practicing meditative walking.
# Meditative walking improves digestionYou must have seen people who feel heavy or full especially after overeating but if you do meditative walking after having your meal, you will feel better and this movement will help your food to move through your digestive tract. Meditative walking will help you get rid of constipation.
# Meditative walking reduces anxietyPeople who are suffering from anxiety problem, they must follow this practice mainly before and after a workout session.
According to a study in the year 2017, the symptoms of anxiety can be reduced if a person do walking and meditation together.
# Meditative walking improves blood sugar levelsAs per a study in the year 2016, people who did Buddhist-based walking meditation practice had a positive effect on their blood sugar level and it helped them to get rid of type 2 diabetes.
And the study showed that people who did Buddhist walking practice (meditative walking) compared to the people who did traditional walking for 30 minutes, 3 times a week for 12 weeks continuously, showed more improvement.
# Meditative walking to get rid of depressionIt becomes even more important to be active and indulge more in physical activities on a daily basis, as you age. When you exercise regularly this helps you to boost your energy level, fitness and improved your mood.
And, as per a small study in the year 2014, people who practiced Buddhist walking meditation at least three times a week for 12 weeks continuously, they were less prone to develop depression symptoms compared to the one who did not did any sort of such practice or exercises.