The appearance of those grey hair, wrinkles on the skin, and physical not so strong vibes are some of the signs of aging that one starts to notice as it enters in your life. There is no exact age from which you can tell that this number is the one you start to age from but yes as you enter in your 30s, the signs begin to appear.
As social media have become one of the important parts of our lives, we start to run towards the beauty treatment and surgeries to hide these signs, which is not at all healthy. Nowadays the market is full of a wide range of beauty products that make unrealistic promises about their products. So it is really very hard to pick one of them and usually, the chemicals present in them worsen our skin and internal health more.
# GiloyGuduchi or Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia is a very well known herb for the medicinal properties it possesses. Age can be delayed by using this herb in regular routine as it contains anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating, and mental soothing properties. All these factors impact a positive effect on the human body and relieve inflamed skin, prevent common infections, and relax the mind. As we all know these are the key points of maintaining your youth.
# AshwagandhaRenowned by its name, this herb contains mind-blowing rejuvenating properties that help in maintaining healthy-looking skin and hair, and also overall health is taken care of. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) clears the free radicals from the body preventing it from oxidative damage and hence delays aging.
# AmlaEmblica Officinalis or Amalaki is a miraculous packet of medicinal properties and has been used raw and in other forms in products that delay aging. It is a storehouse of vitamin C and antioxidants. These both enhances the immunity of a person and clear the wrinkles and pigmentation from the skin by eliminating the free radicals from the body. Macular degeneration is prevented by the regular intake of Amla.
# TurmericThis magic herb is also known as Haridra or Curcuma longa. There is an active compound found in it called curcumin which is key to all of its medicinal properties. We all know about its antiseptic property but do you know that it can delay aging as well? Turmeric possesses age-defying properties that work wonder on your skin and overall body. It can be used in both ways for consumption as well as a topical application.
# GinsengPanax ginseng is the Latin name used for ginseng herb that has been used since antiquity by the Korean and Japanese people for enhancing beauty. It is an amazing anti-aging herb that activates the metabolism of the skin and fight signs of aging.