One of the most common nail infection, paronychia is one that can develop in your fingernail or in your toenail. There are both acute and chronic paronychia. Chronic paronychia causes could be many and is often known as a fungal infection. The milder form of paronychia can be cured by some quick remedies and natural treatments at home.Paronychia is understood to be a nail infection, that affects both the fingers and toe nails equally. The staphylococci bacterias are responsible for this. The bacteria enters the skin around the nails that are damaged by one or more reasons like nail biting, dishwashing or other chemicals that can irritate your skin. Chronic paronychia is the result of a fungal infection.
* Soaking in Warm WaterParonychia under the nail can be treated by soaking the affected area in hot water.
- Fill a bowl with lukewarm tap water
-Add some drops of lemon juice into the warm water (or)
- If you have broken skin, Add a pinch or pour some saline solution into it.
- Soak your toe or fingers in it for about 20 minutes. - Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day.
* Paronychia Wound DressingSometimes, bandaging the affected area (broken skin) with petroleum jelly will also help.
- Begin by drying your hands with a towel.
- Apply petroleum jelly or Vaseline in the affected area and bandage it securely.
- Make sure it is not too tight or too loose.
* Epsom SaltParonychia Epsom salt helps to reduce the inflammation of the area. It has also been traditionally regarded to cure sores and reduce stress.
- Fill a bucket with warm water and add about 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt.
- Soak your feet or fingers in it for 15 minutes. Repeat this every day.
- Remember to dry your feet post this.
* GarlicGarlic has anti-inflammatory properties this is used to treat the fungal infections and can reduce the swelling in the affected toe or fingernail.
- Crush bits of garlic or grind them in the mixer with some drops of water.
- Make a juice of it and drop a few drops in the affected area.
- Keep this for about 20 minutes. Repeat this daily.
* TurmericTurmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve the area from inflammation of any sort.
- Heat turmeric with oil in a low flame.
- After it cools slightly, applies the paste on to the affected area and allow it to rest for 20 minutes.
- Wash off and keep the area dry and clean.
- Repeat this daily.