Gastric Problem is also popularly known as peptic ulcer if it takes a turn towards ulcerous conditions, gastric always has its roots in the stomach. As we chew our food, it makes its way down the esophagus or food pipe and drops down into the stomach where the esophagus meets the stomach tube. Once inside the stomach, these food passes through a mixture of fluids secreted by the stomach to enhance the food digestion and nutrition process before the food mixture is passed further along.
These mixtures of juices occur in the end zone of the stomach by cells called the parietal cells. The fluid produced is a thick concentrated juice fit for digestion. In fact, this is the fluid the stomach asks for assistance when it has to help with the digestion processing. The gastric juices even though are meant to be produced in a certain amount may at times malfunction. This is usually in the form of ulcers or at worst cases cancerous conditions. Usually in normal terms when we say gastric we mean the pain which might occur at times. For others, gastric might be in the form of ulcers or cancer conditions.
Here are some of the causes why the gastric problem might occur:
* Gall StonesOften the crystalline form of stones appears in the gall bladder or bile ducts that may work up a pain in the gastric region of the stomach. However these stones often do not show any symptoms and when they do, they cause extreme pain. It is usually the blocking of the gall bladder or bile duct that works up the pain.
* GERDThe full form to this is gastroesophageal reflux disease which is a medical condition faced by the body. This GERD might result in pain in the gastric region. The symptom is chronic in the condition where the acids and bile juice produced by our stomach often at times force themselves up the food pipe or esophagus.
* Bacterial Or Viral InfectionsOften simple matters could take a wrong turn and by no means do the pain vary directly proportional to the severity of the condition. There are often cases reported where due to the insertion or contact of certain bacteria or viruses may cause the gastric pain to trigger. A situation called the gastritis is formed where the stomach linings housing the gastric juice secretion area inflames due to bacterial contact.
* UlcersGastric ulcers are also known as peptic ulcers where sores are formed. Usually, the gastric secretion is housed on the inner linings of the stomach where they work and function. The gastric pain may arise when the sore conditions are formed on the inner linings of the stomach. The stomach goes about on its due course producing acids even the gastric one and then it is only when this acid touches the sore conditions does the gastric pain arise.
* Helicobacter PyloriThis is one of the many bacteria’s that live in the mucous lining of the stomach. This is one of the most probable causes of gas in the stomach. If not treated, it can take the shape of ulcers which might also cause stomach cancer. One should be really cautious and careful when they are having stomach issues. H. Pylori is one of those things that you want to keep in mind when you’re having gastric pain. Some people may be the victim of stomach cancer