5 Potential Health Benefits of Garden Cress Seeds

Garden cress is an edible fast-growing herb. It is also known as Halim seeds, peppergrass, garden pepper cress, poor man’s pepper, or Lepidium sativum. Offering potential health benefits, they are an integral healing herb in the traditional and Ayurveda medicine.

The seeds, leaves, and stems of this plant are edible. The leaves and stems can be eaten raw while, the seeds need to be cooked or roasted before consuming. The seeds when soaked in water, swell and get covered with transparent mucilage. These seeds are reddish-brown, tiny, pointed, oval-shaped, and triangular at one end.

# Cures anemia

1. The high amounts of iron and folic acid present in garden cress seeds help in overcoming iron deficiency anaemia.

2. The high content of iron in garden cress seeds promotes red blood cell production.

3. Consumption of Chamsukh seeds helps in increasing the hemoglobin level.

# Controls blood sugar

The lepidimoide content of the seed coat of germinating garden cress seeds possesses hypoglycemic properties which help in controlling blood sugar levels.

# Regulates menstrual cycle

Garden cress seeds are a natural way by which irregular menstrual cycles can be normalised. The phytochemicals present in chamsukh seeds are similar to estrogens which helps in regularising the menstrual cycle.

# Prevents cancer

1. The chemo-protective properties of these seeds prevent cancers.

2. The antioxidants such as vitamin A and E, present in Garden cress seeds prevent the free radicals from damaging the body cells thus, protecting the body from cancers.

# Useful in treating gastrointestinal disorders

1. The high fibre content in halim seeds helps in relieving constipation and indigestion.

2. Regular consumption of these seeds helps in regularising the bowel movements.

3. Halim seeds is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding piles, etc.
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