Pregnancy is an important phase in every woman life. It is not just expanding waistline, but carrying one more life inside you. It brings lots of hormonal changes in the body. Most of the woman go through nausea and vomiting during pregnancy time. Mood swings, sleep problems, lower back pain and swelling in the feet are also common discomforts associated with pregnancy. Here are few symptoms that should be given extra attention during pregnancy time.

1. Fetal Movement
Between 17 and 18 weeks, most mothers start to feel their baby move. Baby movements get stronger around 24 weeks. Many pregnant women even notice that their babies are more active at certain times of the day, as the fetus begins adapting to a more regular sleep-wake cycle
2. Bleeding
Vaginal spotting or bleeding during pregnancy can make any woman freak out. Just a spot of blood is nothing to worry about. Spotting is usually a normal sign that the embryo is implanting in the uterus.
3. Discharge
During the second trimester, an increase in vaginal discharge may mean the cervix is opening up early. This can be an early sign of miscarriage. If you are leaking fluid from your vagina before 37 weeks, it may mean that your water has broken early and it’s time for your baby to come into this world.
4. Regular Fever
Any fever during pregnancy must be taken seriously. A fever can be associated with a number of reasons ranging from kidney infection or pneumonia. Irrespective of the cause, a fever during pregnancy by your doctor as it can have adverse effects on the health of the pregnant woman as well as the unborn baby.
5. Abdominal Pain
A pain on either side of the lower abdomen during the first trimester can mean that you have simply stretched a ligament. However, it can also indicate a miscarriage. Such pain during the second or third trimesters may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, premature labor or placental abruption.