5 Reasons Why Pomegranate is Great for Your Health

Pomegranate, also known as ‘Anaar’ in Hindi, is one of the most revered fruit through time immemorial due to the immense medicinal properties and health benefits it offers. Besides these properties, the fruit is also held sacred and many of the religions stories in cultures like Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are woven around the fruit.

# Prevents arthritis

1. The anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate help in fighting against arthritis and joint pains. It has the ability to reduce inflammation.

2. Pomegranate extracts help in blocking the enzymes that are responsible for causing joint pains. It helps in reducing the cartilage damage.

# Boosts immunity

1. The abundant amounts of anti-inflammatory compounds present in pomegranates help in boosting immunity.

2. Anaar aids maintain a healthy immune system and prevent common infections and illnesses.

3. The vitamin C content of pomegranate helps in promoting antibody production thus, helps develop immunity.

4. Anaar is useful in immune-related disorders such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

# Improves memory

1. Extracts of pomegranate help in the improvement of verbal and visual memory, prevent deficits in memory after surgery and improves memory.

2. The high concentration of antioxidants in pomegranate arrests the progress of

# Other possible benefits

Anaar produces several health benefits, apart from the health benefits mentioned above, it also produces few more such as prevents atherosclerosis, fights erectile dysfunction, lowers the risk of heart disease, reduces blood pressure, delays premature ageing, boosts exercise performance, promotes skin health, improves bone health, helps fight prostate cancer, effective against breast cancer, helps in digestion, lowers stress levels, prevents cancer, reduces fertility in women, regulate blood sugar, and builds bones, cartilage and muscle.

# Fights against bacterial and fungal infections

1. The two compounds, punicic acid and punicalagin present in pomegranate help fight microorganisms. They combat fungal infections.

2. The anti fungal and antibacterial properties of pomegranate prevent dental infections.
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