Be it human or animal, everyone get stressed at some point in their life. Well, you might not know but dogs get more stressed than humans. Stress in dogs can have a variety of causes. Among the most common are some kind of trauma, change in environment, physical restraint, confinement, change of routine, noise, boredom, lack of stimulation, separation and unwanted interactions, such as with overly aggressive people or other dogs.
# Excessive SheddingA little bit of shedding is normal, but excessive shedding can be a sign of stress as well as some type of skin problem.
# Pinned-Back EarsYour pet’s ear positioning can say a lot about whether he is feeling stressed. In fact, dogs use their ears to express emotions, including stress and anxiety.
# Shaking or ShiveringIt’s common for a dog to shiver playfully, but involuntary shaking or shivering may be a sign of something other than excitement and can indicate stress.
# IsolationJust like you may prefer to be left alone when you are stressed, the same can happen with your pet. Many breeds of dogs are known to prefer some alone time when under stress.
# Tucked TailClosely observe the positioning of your dog’s tail to see whether he is experiencing stress. Your dog’s tail can change from its normal positions and take poses that indicate stress.