Sunflower seeds are available throughout the year in the local market and grocery shop. They are sold either shelled or unshelled. They are available in prepackaged containers and bulk bins. While purchasing unshelled seeds, make sure they are not broken or dirty. The seeds should be firm and do not have a limp texture. Sunflower seeds are best stored in an airtight container or refrigerator as they are quite prone to rancidity.

1. Roasted and salted seeds are usually enjoyed as a healthy snack. They are also used as a garnish for the salads and pasta.
2. Add sunflower seeds to your savory dishes or chicken, tuna and turkey salad. Sprinkle some into the bowl of hot and cold cereals. This will enhance its nutritive value.
3. The seeds are added in cakes, muffins and candies. The flour made from the seeds is used in Germany to make dark bread called sonnenblumenbrot.
4. Add sunflower seeds to your scrambled eggs to give a crunchy texture and taste to it. You can also use ground sunflower seeds to dust the meat.
5. Sunflower butter, better known as Sun butter, is the best alternative to peanut and milk butters.