The skin is the external shield that wraps around the entire length of the body and protects the internal organs from injury and infection. In the event of an injury, external attack, or invasion, the topmost layer of the skin gets affected.
When the skin comes in contact with high-temperature objects, the topmost layer of the skin is damaged as a result. Common accidents including contact with a hot object such as electric hairstyling equipment, spilling hot fluids, and friction burns from treadmill use can cause minor burns.Many natural remedies can promote healing and minimize the pain associated with minor burns. Minor burns tend to heal within a few days up to 3 weeks.
* Apply Aloe VeraAloe vera has astringent and tissue-healing properties that can help in healing burns. The plant has antibacterial properties that stop bacteria from growing.
- Cut a small piece of the aloe vera leaf and extract the gel. Apply the fresh gel directly on the burn. Repeat the application two to three times a day.
- You can also mix 1 teaspoon each of aloe vera gel and turmeric and then apply the mixture on the burn, two to three times a day.
* Lather HoneyHoney can effectively disinfect wounds and help heal burns, thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also reduces the chances of developing hypertrophic scars.
- Spread honey on a gauze bandage and put it directly on the burn. Change the bandage three to four times a day
* Use Boiled Potato PeelsMinor burns can be treated by applying boiled potato peels. Being an anti-irritant, boiled potato peels can be soothing to your burns, helpful in curtailing the pain and the eruption of blisters.
- Run cold water through your burns.
- Boil potatoes. Take out the peel and let it cool. Make sure that the potato peel is dirt free.
- Apply it on the burned area.
- Either keep it open or wrap it in a dressing.
* Dab Coconut OilCoconut oil can help treat a minor burn when it is cooled and dried.Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, such as lauric acid and caprylic acid, that offer anti-fungal, antioxidant, and anti-bacterial benefits. This means it helps keep your burn from becoming infected and aids in healing.
- Mix together 1 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil and a little lemon juice.
- Apply the mixture on the affected area to facilitate healing.
- Repeat the application two to three times a day.
* Use Green Tea BagsVarious studies have shown that green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties. A few studies have also been carried out that demonstrate the beneficial effects of green tea on burn patients.
- Soak green tea bags in hot water. Drain out the excess water and place the tea bag on the affected portion of skin.