6 Foods You Must Avoid for Kidney Infection

The function performed by the kidneys in the human body is fundamental; On the one hand, they eliminate the toxins and wastes that our body does not need, and on the other, they contribute to the production of different substances that serve to keep the body in balance. Hence, these organs are considered the main filters of our blood and, therefore, keeping them healthy is key to the body’s hydrosaline balance.

# Sugary drinks

A lot of sugary drinks and dairy products are associated with the formation of kidney stones. The diet indicated by the specialists to avoid them includes a lot of water consumption (at least 2 liters for the body to dissolve any type of calcification), reduce salt, reduce the intake of fats and flours, limit the jam, honey, pastry products and candies.

# Limit to protein-rich foods

You should also control protein-rich foods, such as meats and eggs, with 120 and 150 grams a day.

# Excess salt

Excess salt can cause the kidneys to retain more water to dissolve the mineral in the bloodstream. Thereby creating more complications for your kidneys. So it’s better to limit the consumption of salt from your diet.

# Artificial sweeteners

Another additive not recommended is artificial sweeteners. Meanwhile, products with caffeine stimulate blood flow, which increases blood pressure in the kidneys.

# Transgenic foods

In addition, transgenic foods – those that have been produced from an organism modified by genetic engineering – can also damage the liver. Few examples of transgenic foods are maize, soybeans, papaya, cottonseed oil, Squash, Canola etc.

# Limit to sodium

Avoid foods with high sodium content (cold meats, sausages, dressings, cheeses, etc.
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