We all can feel the title of the blog. Those three days of every month where we have a near-death experience. Yes, Period cramps are very painful and distracting, it comes with a lot of mood swings and food cravings (at least mine come with that). Well, as painful as these period cramps are, there are ways through which you can avoid them or at least you can relieve from them.
Cramps are not a sign of serious health conditions, but if they are unbearable they can pose some health issues. So, let’s understand more about what causes period cramps and how to avoid them.
# Drink more waterSometimes bloating can cause a lot of discomfort during periods. Drinking more water and keeping yourself hydrated, helps to reduce the bloating during the period and alleviate the pain. Try to drink around 6-8 glasses of water even during the period, it helps to increase the blood flow and relaxes muscles.
Avoid alcohol during this period, as alcohol causes dehydration which can increase the period cramps.
# Enjoy herbal teas
Yes, teas are such a magical drink which can take away period cramps, can relieve you in headaches and also take care of your mood swings. Herbal teas have anti-inflammatory properties which reduces the muscle spasms in the uterus which causes cramping during period.
Drinking teas like chamomile, fennel or ginger tea are some easy way to relieve from menstrual cramps.
# Try decafIf you are a coffee addict then go for decaf, caffeine causes blood vessels to narrow down causing cramps more painful. Therefore, It is better to switch to decaf during period. But if you need caffeine to beat your afternoon slump, then you can try having a 10-minute walk to boost energy or eat up a snack which is high in protein.
# Apply heatUsing hot water bag is very effective to relieve muscles during period. Applying heat can help you relax muscles, improve blood flow and relieve tension. So, for period cramp you can either sit with a heating pad, take a hot shower or also relax in hot bath.
# Dietary supplements
Ever thought that consuming some special type of nutrients can also help in reducing the pain. Yes, if you eat supplements rich in omega-3, vitamin E and magnesium it can help to reduce the inflammation and make the period less painful. For better and effective result, it is good to consume the supplements daily and not just on your periods.
# Exercise
I agree, that one cannot even think about doing exercise at this time of the month. But exercise is one effective way to feel you happy and reduce the pain. Simple, gentle exercise releases endorphins that make you feel happy, relaxes your muscles and reduce pain. Just a little stretching, walking or yoga is all you need to relieve from that excruciating pain.