6 Ketogenic Diet Myths You Should Stop Believing

The Ketogenic diet is currently trending! It is known to be one of the best diets for losing weight. A lot has already been said on this trendy diet, but still, several notions are there which are not at all true. So, here I have compiled a list of top 6 ketogenic diet myths that have been debunked about going keto.

# Myths: Keto Is A High-Protein Diet

Fact: It is one of the most dangerous myths around. But low carb doesn’t always mean high protein. On a high-protein diet, 30-35% of your calories should come from protein sources which do not happen on a Keto diet. If you are following a Keto diet, excess calories usually come in the form of excess fat i.e. 75% of your daily calories from fat, 5% from carbohydrates, and 20% from protein.

Also, avoid high protein intake on keto, as excess proteins will prevent you from getting into ketosis.

# Myth: The Keto Diet Is Only For Weight Loss

Fact: Not only weight loss, but the keto diet is beneficial for your overall health. The benefits of this diet extend far beyond weight loss!

It helps in improving digestive health and cognitive functioning. It regulates hormone production and also reduces the risk of certain diseases and disorders like diabetes or heart disease.

# Myth: Keto Is Bad For Heart Health & Raise Cholesterol

Fact: No doubt, on keto, the majority of your diet comes from fat (60-75%). But there is no evidence that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat cause harm to your heart.

When done right, the ketogenic diet includes a variety of plant-based fats and lean sources of animal protein. So, the keto diet is known to not only help individuals lose weight but also help in lowering triglycerides and raising HDL.

On the other hand, it is weight loss that can temporarily elevate your cholesterol.

# Myth: You Can Eat Any Type Of Fat

Fact: It is known that the keto diet focuses mainly on consuming fatty foods. But that doesn’t give you the green signal to fill up on saturated sources. Too much-saturated fat can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries which may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Try to avoid that!

On a keto diet, fat is the primary energy source, so choosing healthy types and eating the right amount is important. Instead of consuming saturated fat choose omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fats from nutrient-dense, whole foods like extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

# Myth: Keto Is Not Good For Diabetics

Fact: In fact, it is the most promising diet for people with Type 2 diabetes as it allows to manage blood sugar or glycemic levels at a low but healthy level. The carbohydrate restriction in diet can help to eliminate large spikes in blood sugar, reducing the need for insulin.

# Myth: Alcohol Consumption Is Restricted On Keto

Fact: Most of the beer and wine are generally carbohydrate-heavy, so you can avoid them. But still, there are some keto-friendly light beers and dry wines which have low to no carb. So, you have to be a bit more conscious while choosing the best liquor options for yourself.
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