6 Most Amazing Health Benefits of Cloves

A versatile ingredient, cloves are dried flowers obtained from the clove tree. It is an important spice that gets added to many dishes for increasing their flavor. You can either use whole cloves or grind them to give your dishes that extra zest. However, cloves aren’t used only for their flavor. They are used because of their numerous health benefits.

Cloves get their rich brown color from the beta-carotene present in them. Including these antioxidants in your diet are beneficial for your health. Tackling dental and indigestion problems are a few common clove benefits. Boosting your immunity is also one of the benefits of drinking clove water every morning.

# Helps maintain oral health

Research suggests that clove oil can be a natural and effective way to maintain your oral health. This is because of its effect on bacteria, plaque, and gingivitis. A comparison study between a herbal and commercial mouthwash concluded that the former may be more effective. This herbal mouthwash had tea tree oil, basil, and cloves. Benefits of cloves also help in reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth.

# Reduces oxidative stress

Other than minerals and vitamins, cloves are also a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress by protecting your cells from harmful free radicals. Oxidative stress can lead to a number of chronic diseases. Cloves contain eugenol which is a more effective antioxidant than vitamin E. Eugenol inhibits oxidative damage that free radicals cause.

# Boosts immunity

Eugenol present in cloves is also effective against harmful virus, fungus, and bacteria. Benefits of cloves also have antiviral and blood purifying properties. This helps in detoxifying your blood and stimulating the white blood cells of your body. This stimulation helps increase resistance against certain diseases and improve your immune system.

# Manages diabetes

The compounds present in cloves may help control your blood sugar. A compound nigericin, present in cloves, can help reduce insulin resistance. Insulin is responsible for controlling glucose levels in your body and preventing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is why is it important to ensure the proper functioning of this hormone.

# Reduces cancer risk

Spices like cloves may play an important role in preventing and treating different types of cancer. Eugenol found in cloves also has anticancer properties. It may help in preventing cervical cancer and destroying cancerous cells . Another research showed that clove oil caused 80% death of esophageal cancerous cells.

Do note that eugenol has high toxicity. So, excess dosage of clove oil can cause liver damage. Talk to your oncologist before using any remedy or medicine.

# Protects bone health

Low bone mass is a common condition and can lead to the development of osteoporosis. It is more commonly diagnosed in women. Protection of bone health is a vital benefit of cloves for a woman. The compounds present in cloves can help preserve and improve bone mass. Eugenol present in clove extract may also help improve bone strength and density.

Cloves also have manganese, which help in bone formation and is vital for bone health. You can get around 30% of daily manganese intake from 2g of ground cloves.
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