Periods is known with many names like- Monthly Problems, Periods, Monthly Cycle, Dates, Menstruation etc. Every girl goes through this time. This is the time when girls have many mood swings. Periods is a normal, natural phenomenon of life. It is not a disease but yes if at this time we are not aware of cleaness or hygiene it can cause some disease. These are the things to be remembered while girls are going through this phase of periods.

1. Girls should change their sanitary Napkins time to time. It should be changed within 6 hours otherwise it is not good for your health. It can cause some disease.
2. Wash Your intimate area regularly to keep it clean and smell free. At the time of periods our intimate area smells very bad. Many intimate washing Products are available in the market.
3. Girls should take healthy diet and drink lots of water to avoid dehydration at this time. It is very compulsory to take healthy diet, eat fruits and green vegetables even if you are not starving. It will be good for your health
4. Don`t eat Junk Food. Just try to ignore junk food at this time. Also don`t use frozen things like- Cold water, ice cream etc.
5. At the time of periods avoid sour things. It can be painful at this time, instead of using sour things we can take juice, lots of salad etc.
6. Hot water bottle and heat pads gives great comfort to relieve pains as they increase blood circulation and lead to flush the blood.