Cravings for junk foods can sneak up on you out of nowhere. One moment, you're completely satisfied, and the next, your body is practically shouting for a peanut butter cup or a bowl of ice cream.
It would be great if we craved apples, blueberries, or green beans—foods that are low in calories and packed with nutrients. However, the real challenge arises when you find yourself yearning for something sweet, salty, or high in fat. Sometimes, you might even crave all three at once.
So, what can you do? You have two choices: fight the cravings or indulge them. It's perfectly okay to treat yourself occasionally, especially if you choose small portions that fit within your daily calorie limits. But when those junk food cravings turn into binges, it can lead to weight gain and overindulgence in foods that aren't great for your health.
Here are some tips to help curb those cravings for junk food:
# Deal With Your Trigger FoodsIt’s much easier to give in to temptation when the food you crave is within easy reach. So don’t keep unhealthy foods you tend to crave in your kitchen or at your desk at work. This doesn't mean you can’t keep any treats in the house, but select goodies that are easier for you to manage. Don’t stock up on chocolate chip cookies if you can’t seem to walk by without eating the whole package.
# Don't Skip Meals When your stomach isn't growling it can make it a lot easier to ward off any cravings, so don't skip your regular meals. Start with a healthy breakfast and follow up with a nutritious lunch and dinner. And it’s OK to include some snacks as long as they’re good for you and you're still within your calorie count.
# Consider Whether It's Craving or HungerThere’s a difference between having the physical feelings of hunger and the mental and emotional feelings of craving something. If you’re hungry and it’s not close to mealtime, you should probably eat something. If you’re not really hungry, then try some crave-busting distraction techniques, coming up next.
# Drink Water or a Low Calorie BeverageDrinking a tall glass of water might serve as a distraction or help you to remain adequately hydrated. When you are dehydrated, it is possible to feel hungrier than usual. Making sure you get at least 8 cups of water a day may help to keep cravings at bay. If plain water sounds boring, add a slice or two of lemon, lime, or cucumber.
# Go for a WalkHere’s another distraction that has health benefits. Stave off your cravings with a little exercise and go outside for a walk. If you can’t or don’t want to go outside, do a few minutes of calisthenics. Besides serving as a distraction, physical activity might help reduce the stress that could be contributing to your cravings.
# Get Enough SleepAdults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep daily. It's easier to fight cravings when you have adequate sleep. In fact, evidence shows that not getting enough sleep can lead to increased cravings for junk food and weight gain. If you can't get enough sleep during the evening, a nap may be helpful during the day as long as it doesn't disrupt your next night's sleep.