6 Weight Loss Tips from Tamil Nadu

A few dear readers of wildturmeric blog were asking me effective and natural tips for weight loss and I wanted to share the weight loss advice that I have been getting from my elders from my young age. I know many of you would be wondering about the title, the word patti vaithiyam is a Tamil word for grandmas remedy and patti vaithiyam for weight loss means grandmas tips for weight loss. These tips truly are advise that I have been hearing from my grandmothers from my young age and so I wanted to name it so.

Also be wary of weight loss diets that make one consume large quantities of only certain ingredients. It is popularly promoted for drastic weight loss nowadays. Drastic weight loss will cause more harm than good, you will be left with sagging skin, excess body fat and low body muscle.

You will never hear such quick fixes if you listened to the advise of our elders. Their advise for attaining healthy weight has stood the test of time and will never harm us. Though you will not see drastic weight loss immediately, you will see results over time and the results will be permanent.

# Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Staying in empty stomach in the morning for long periods of time is always frowned upon by my elders. If you go to any home in our village, you will always be offered some thing to eat if they come to know that you have not had breakfast along with a kind advice that you should not remain in empty stomach for so long.

I find eating fresh and wholesome traditional breakfast in the morning keeps me energized and prevents me from snacking in between which is one of the main reasons for piling on unnecessary pounds.

# Eat Wholesome Foods Cooked At Home

This is an other other habit that my grandma always insisted that we follow. You will be surprised if I tell you that I have never seen my grandma eat out in the hotels even once.

When we were younger and were traveling, we used to take a cook along and cook on the way. We never used to get any stomach problems at all even when we were traveling for days together. When she got older and stopped traveling, she used to take home cooked meals with her for her day trips outside.

Home cooked meals made the traditional way are full of fiber, low in fat and high in nutrition. Traditional home cooked meals will also keep one satiated for a very long time which is the main key for effortless weight loss.

# Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water keeps our metabolism going and also flushes our system of toxins. I never used to drink water regularly and till today, I struggle with drinking sufficient water. But whenever I drink plenty of water throughout the day, I feel energetic and never ever have false hunger pangs.

My grandma always used to advise that since we are spending so much time outside, we should make double sure that we drink plenty of water. Please try your best to drink plenty of water throughout the day without fail and you will start seeing positive difference very soon.

# Include Metabolism Boosting Ingredients in Your Diet

Certain ingredients boosts our metabolism and aids weight loss naturally. The 2 most common ingredients recommended for boosting metabolism are horse gram and kudampuli and you can read how to use them for aiding weight loss here and here.

Here in my place, we make horse gram mash and rasam for lunch often as every one in my family love it. For people trying to lose weight, it is always recommend for lunch at least two times a week. An other ingredient that aids natural weight loss is turmeric tea.

Apart from adding turmeric in daily cooking, drinking it the form of tea also boosts metabolism. In both the pictures, you can see horse gram, kudampuli (black elongated one in the picture and turmeric), all three ingredients used for weight loss.

# Never Eat or Limit Processed Foods To a Bare Minimum

This is an other advise that I have been hearing from my young age. I am smiling as I am writing this because even yesterday, my son wanted a prepackaged cocoa milk from the market. After reading the ingredients in the back of the pack, I showed him the list of artificial flavorings, preservatives and added color (even for a cocoa drink which indicates how much low amount of cocoa is really in there) mentioned in the pack.

To my great joy he asked me to make it at home. As promised, I made him chocolate milkshake at home with organic grass fed cows milk and good dark cocoa and he really did like it a lot. Many prepackaged foods says on the label that it contains no fat and that they are low in calories.

But to make it taste good so many harmful ingredients and chemicals are added which does so much harm to our body. Eating them on a daily basis are one of the main reasons for weight gain, also they usually never satisfy us leading us to eat more of it again and again.

# Get Regular Daily Exercise

Getting some form of exercise will improve metabolism and our mood, motivate us to eat healthy and also improve the blood circulation. When we were younger, we were always encouraged to play outside every single day. We children used to gather in a common place and spend our time playing for hours together.

Elders used to go of to the farm everyday and they usually will be back only in the evenings. Even lunch will be sent to the farm and women used to do all the household work. Doing some form of exercise that we love consistently everyday will lead to healthy weight loss.
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