Some people might view the standard plank as an easy exercise, but in reality, it's a challenging and effective workout. Planks offer a wide range of benefits, from strengthening and toning to improving overall body fitness. In fact, many experts consider the plank to be one of the most essential exercises you can do.
To put it into perspective, if you can't hold a plank for at least two minutes, it may indicate a lack of fitness. The current record for holding a plank stands at an astounding 8 hours and 1 minute. How long can you hold a plank?
However, if you find planking to be too easy, chances are you're not doing it correctly. Proper form is crucial for maximizing the benefits of this exercise. Here's why incorporating planks into your workout routine is so important.
# It Will Trim Any Belly FatThe plank works on your abdominal muscles. It strengthens your core and gives definition to your abs. So you can say goodbye to belly fat and those stubborn love handles. And it doesn’t stop there! Planks work on multiple muscle groups including your shoulders and legs. It engages your entire body. As a result, you lose overall body fat.
# It Increases Your Performace In Almost EverythingPlanks work on your transverse abdominis, oblique muscles, and rectus adbominis. These are helpful when it comes to lifting heavy things and performing well in sports. Even if you aren’t doing any sport, planks increase your body’s performance to even do housework.
# It Will Improve Your PostureDo you need to keep reminding yourself to sit straight or not to hunch when you walk? Doing planks regularly will help you to have proper posture all the time. This is because to do a plank in the right form, you need to engage all your ab muscles in an upright manner. Also, doing planks gradually boosts your isometric strength, which, in turn, always nudges you to never hunch or slouch. Want to improve your balance as well? Try doing side planks or planks using a stability ball.
# It Will Reduce Your Back PainUpper or lower back pain? Drop down and do a plank! Planks are amazing to strengthen worn out back muscles. Anything that helps your abdominal, shoulder, and leg muscles and your posture as well will have an influence on your back. Also, unlike crunches or situps, planks don’t require you to put a strain on your back.
# It Will Increase Your FlexibilityIt might look deceiving but planks improve your flexibility. This form of exercise increases flexibility in your posterior muscles. The more you stretch your hamstrings, shoulders, shoulder blades, and other parts of your body, the more flexible you become.