Regardless of whether you're focused on maximum fat loss and getting ripped or trying to pack on pounds of lean muscle mass, certain foods should always be avoided after 9 p.m. Remember, you're about to embark upon an eight-hour fast otherwise known as sleep.The good news is that it's okay to have a late-night snack before bed, as long as you choose foods that will promote lean-tissue building and fat loss. And while we tell you what to avoid in the article below, we also offer more physique-friendly alternatives.
MilkWhile considered to be a relatively healthy source of protein and calcium, the problem with downing a glass of milk before bed is the lactose content that's found in it that will often keep many people up due to digestive issues.
PastaNext up on our list of foods to avoid before bed is pasta. If you're in mass-gaining mode, consuming some carbohydrates before can help out. Put there are much better choices than insulin-spiking pasta before bed.
ChocolateChocolate isn't just higher in sugar and fat content than other late-night snacks. It also contains caffeine. If you're sensitive to this stimulant, chocolate could rob you of the precious sleep you need to allow your body to recover maximally from your hard workout sessions.
PizzaPizza contains far too many calories to have this close to bedtime; what's worse, you'll get an extra does of both carbohydrates and a large amount of saturated fat which will just sit in your stomach as you lie awake in bed at night.
Fruit JuiceFruit juices are all very acidic in the body and could cause heart burn in many susceptible individuals. Definitely something to avoid before bed!