Thinking about eating for your health sometimes conjures visions of green juices, flavorless dinners, and supplements that you can't pronounce. Wouldn't it be great if eating well is as simple as adding a cup of blueberries to your daily routine? Who doesn't like blueberries.
Fresh blueberries are a popular fruity treat. They have a sweet flavor and can be eaten freshly picked or incorporated into recipes for desserts plus you can buy them frozen too. Blueberry health benefits can reduce your risk of many diseases.
Blueberries grow in clusters on shrubs and bushes, ranging in size and shade but will always be some variant of a deep blue-purple.
# Low in Calories but High in NutrientsBlueberries are one of the most nutrient-dense berries. One cup of blueberries containing four grams of fiber, 24% of your recommended intake of Vitamin C, 36% of your recommended intake of vitamin K and 25% of your recommended intake of manganese. They’re also made up of 85% water which means they’re both hydrating and low in calories. In fact, one cup only contains 84 calories.
# Antioxidant PropertiesAntioxidants are key to protecting your body from damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to the physical signs of aging and create a higher risk of cancer. Blueberries are a great, natural source of antioxidants. In fact, they’re thought to have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits and vegetables.
# Protect Against CancerOxidative damage to your DNA happens all the time, in fact, scientists believe it happens tens of thousands of times each day in every cell in your body. Excessive damage to your DNA can lead to an increased risk of your cells mutating or reproducing more rapidly than they should. This can lead to a higher risk of developing cancer. The antioxidants within blueberries will help to reduce the effects of free radicals in your blood and reduce the level of DNA damage – thus lowering your risk of cancer.
# Prevent the Oxidation of Cholesterol in Your BloodOxidative damage can cause the oxidation of the bad cholesterol in your blood. This is one of the leading causes of heart disease. The antioxidant properties of blueberries help to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and thus helps to keep your heart healthy.
# Lower Blood PressureBlueberries have been shown to help lower blood pressure. This is great news for people who suffer from high blood pressure – a major risk factor for heart disease. Eating a medium sized portion (fifty grams) of blueberries each day should help to reduce your blood pressure by up to six percent.
# Reduced Risk of Heart DiseaseBy tackling a number of risk factors for heart disease, blueberries can help to significantly reduce your risk of developing the condition. Studies have also found that the antioxidants in blueberries could lower your risk of heart attacks by 23%.
# Maintain Brain Function and Improve MemoryOxidative stress can cause the cells in your brain to become damaged or age rapidly. This then has a negative effect on your brain function and memory capacity. Because blueberries contain antioxidants, they can reduce this oxidative damage and so preserve the function of your brain.
# Help Tackle DiabetesStudies suggest that the bioactive compounds in blueberries outweigh any negative impact of their moderately high sugar content when it comes to controlling your blood sugar. Their antioxidant properties also have a positive effect on insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.
# Help Fight Urinary Tract InfectionsUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common health problem. One of the amazing health benefits of blueberries, however, is that they can help to fight off these infections. As close relatives of cranberries, which are well known for their ability to tackle UTIs, it’s hardly surprising that blueberries can be used in this way. Blueberries contain many of the same active ingredients as cranberries which makes them a potent home remedy for UTIs.
# Reduce Muscle DamageStrenuous exercise or heavy lifting can sometimes lead to muscle soreness, fatigue, and even damage. This is largely driven by the inflammation and oxidative stress in your muscle tissues. Blueberries can help to reduce this inflammation and prevent some degree of oxidative stress. This helps to keep your muscles healthy and functioning correctly, even after strenuous exercise.
# Maintain Healthy BonesBlueberries contain high levels of iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K. These are crucial compounds to the formation of bones. Getting enough of each component into your diet will help your bones stay strong and maintain their structure. Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin K can increase your risk of bone fracture while positive levels of the vitamin can increase calcium absorption, helping your bones stay healthy and strong.