Clove, also known as Eugenia Caryophyllata, isn't just a spice; it's a flavor enhancer in Asian dishes loved for its rich aroma. But it's more than just a culinary staple. Clove oil, extracted from cloves, is valued for its calming scent and health benefits.
While a bit of clove oil can do wonders for your well-being, it's important to be cautious. Some folks might be allergic to clove or its oil, so it's wise to check beforehand. And since essential oils like clove are super potent, diluting them is key.
Let's take a closer look at some possible side effects of clove oil, which can occur if it doesn't agree with you or if you use too much or in the wrong way:
# Abnormal/Increased bleedingClove oil contains a chemical compound called Eugenol. Eugenol is a blood-thinning agent which means that it can decelerate the blood clotting process leading to increased/abnormal bleeding. Over consumption of clove oil over a large period of time can thin out the blood, putting you at risk of bleeding out in case of an injury. Thus, if you are already suffering from bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, it is advised to stay away from clove oil. Clove oil must also not be consumed if you are about to undergo a surgery or if you consume drugs that contain anticoagulants.
# ToxicityIf you consume large doses of clove oil or clove oil, you are putting yourself at risk of developing serious toxic effects because of the oil. Toxicity on the body manifests with symptoms that include nausea, sore throat, vomiting, fluid imbalance, sedation, liver and kidney disorders and even respiratory failure in some cases.
# SeizuresClove oil is an extremely potent version of the spice. Consuming too much clove oil on a daily basis can increase the risk of seizures. Clove oil can cause some amount of irregular electrical activity in the brain cells. This makes one vulnerable to seizures, sometimes multiple times. The condition is characterized by convolutions, unconsciousness and in rare cases, epilepsy too.
# Lowers sugar levelsClove and clove essential oil can decrease the amount of glucose that is present in the bloodstream. This can be extremely harmful in patients who have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. Thus, those who have a lower than normal blood glucose level, must reduce their clove oil consumption to a minimum, or refrain from using it completely. The blood sugar levels must be monitored on a regular basis and the clove oil intake modified accordingly.
# Allergic reactionsOne of the common side effects of using clove oil either topically or for internal use is the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Eugenol present in clove can lead to rashes, swelling, hives, difficulty breathing and even anaphylaxis. Because the allergic reaction to the oil can be an acute whole-body reaction, it can cause death in extreme cases too.
# Erectile dysfunction
Some herbal creams and lotions contain clove extracts and clove oil in them. Regular application of these dreams to the genital area can lead to sexual issues such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. If you face difficulty with erection for a considerable amount of time or difficulty in ejaculating, discontinue use of the cream/lotion.
# Increased mouth sensitivityToo much consumption of clove oil or clove extracts can lead to the inflammation of the mucous membranes that are present on the inner walls of the mouth. Studies indicate that with regular increased use of clove oil, extensive damage can be caused to the gums, tooth pulp and teeth. It creates an unpleasant and uncomfortable burning sensation in the mouth and can lead to sore lips and eventually dental cavities as well.
# Respiratory problemsClove extracts and clove oil is also used in the making of clove cigarettes, which has become quite famous nowadays. However, using these cigarettes on a regular basis will lead to a number of respiratory issues. Inhaling the clove extracts leads to clove powder passing through the airways and into your lungs. This can lead to breathing problems such as shortness of breath, cough and lung infection.
# Increased skin sensitivityThe skin on the body is just as sensitive as the skin on the inside of your mouth. Using clove oil that is not diluted with any carrier oil can take a toll on your skin. Topical application of potent and undiluted clove oil leads to the skin becoming extremely sensitive, causing contact dermatitis and burns, irritation, inflammation, rashes. If you continue to use undiluted clove oil on a daily basis, it can also cause significant permanent damage to the skin cells.
# Loss of sensationEugenol present in the clove oil can act as a numbing agent sometimes. A few studies have shown that clove oil, when applied topically on the skin over a significant period of time can lead to loss of sensation. Thus, it is advised to never use the oil in conjunction with synthetic painkillers.