Cold also called as “Common Cold” the word itself scares out many people due to its reaction affecting human body to do their daily work. When someone wakes up in the morning with running nose, sneezing with a hoarse voice with relatively lower body temperature then definitely it´s the starting stage for cold which is caused due to the virus. The human body can never memorize the viral strain and build up resistance against the cold-causing virus that is the one of the main reason why human beings are prone to cold.
According to Disease Control and prevention-children below 5 are affected with cold with an average of 12 children affected by cold in a year. The common Cold syndrome is a term to describe the inflammatory disease which is acute and affect the upper respiratory tract which consists of tonsils, pharynx, larynx and these parts get exposed to air, water droplets which get infected when inhaled along with the virus.
Types of Colds due to Various Virus Attacks:
To get more knowledge about cold its types due to various virus, rather than just knowing that cold causes running noise here are few important cold types brought out.
# Human Para Influenza Virus:It is a group of containing four main viruses which are responsible for cold and its associated symptoms.The types of Human para influenza virus are HPIV-1: Which is the main cause for Croup cough in kids.HPIV-2 virus seen during microscopic examination for croup disease.HPIV-3 is responsible for pneumonia and inflammation of bronchial tube leading to bronchitis.They are two sub types for HPIV-4 they are HPIV- A&B which is rarely seen during acute respiratory infection condition.
It is transmitted through hand contamination, handshake. It takes one week for the symptoms to occur.The common symptom seen are
runny nose.
congested nostrils.
# Rhinovirus:Cold is most commonly caused due to this Rhinovirus which belongs to the Picornaviridae and grows in temperature between 33 to 35-degree Celsius which are the ideal temperature around the nose region.This virus affects kids and adults which enter via the upper respiratory tract with an incubation period less than 2 days.The common symptoms include:
Sore throat
nasal congestion
the decrease in body temperature
it is also accompanied by muscle ache, loss of appetite
# Corona virus:
Coronavirus belongs to the family Coronaviridae.It is also one of the primary virus leading to cold.It affects the upper respiratory tract.There are various strains of corona virus which affect the human system one of the well-hyped virus categories is SARS-CoV which affects both the upper respiratory system and the lower respiratory system.This type of cold is seen during winter and spring season.The other disease caused due to this virus are Pneumonia, Bronchitis.
# Respiratory Syntactical Virus:It is the very common virus which causes cold and it is highly contagious.It is the most virus which affects the baby younger than two years or even small babies who are under 10 weeks old.The most common symptoms are
runny nose
in activeness
consulting doctor is highly recommended when the baby has trouble in breathing, Mucus which is green in color, dehydration.
This type of cold can be prevented by washing hands before touching a newly born baby, Avoiding to kiss the baby when someone has a cold and cough.
# Paramyxovirus:
It is considered to be less harmful when cold caused due to paramyxovirus which affects the nose and the respiratory tract.
The symptoms could be
Blocked nose
Sore throat
Watery eyes
Loss of appetite
Loss of taste
When this virus persists complication like sinusitis, Bronchitis, Infection ears.
# Adenovirus:
It belongs to the family Adneoviridae, which causes respiratory tract infection for children and also life threating organ failures for people with a less immune system.Adults who are affected by the common cold due to adenovirus is less contagious.The symptoms include
Sore throat
Running nose
Swelling of the sinus
Loss of appetite
Itching throat.
Loss of taste sensation.
Undiagnosed conditions which are causes cold-related to adenovirus are Cystic fibrosis, Allergies, Emphysema.
# Coxsackievirus:It belongs to the family Enterovirus.They affect the intestines.They are more commonly seen in children until puberty stage.In adults, coxsackvirus related cold is less common.The most commonly seen disease due to coxsackievirus A16 is a hand-foot-mouth disease.The symptoms include
Sore throat
Blockage of nose
stuffy nose
Loose stools
Kids affected with this virus will have the sudden rise in body temperature.The whole period for illness will be around a week if a reason for the cold is diagnosed at the right time and plenty of fluid consumption is highly recommended.
# Enterovirus:Enterovirus are RNA virus which is single stranded consisting of twelve species, which causes cold in Human beings. Enterovirus is usually classified into polio virus, Coxsackievirus, and Echo virus.It is found in virally infected saliva, sputum.
The common symptoms seen are
Runny nose
Gastric reflux
Sneezing and shortness of breath.
Swollen lymph nodes
# Orthomyxoviridae:it is an RNA virus that consists of seven types Influenza virus A-D, Isavirus, Thogotovirus and last is Quaranjavirus. Influenza virus A, B and C affects human being and birds.One of the virus causing cold which is contagious.The infection is transmitted through saliva, blood, feces and during pregnancy affecting the baby.
# Metapneumovirus:Human metapneumovirus which usually spreads due to hand touch contact with people who already this virus infection.The people who are highly at risk for getting in this virus are the asthmatic patient who has a weak immunity, lung infection, patients who are under long-term steroids.The symptom is related to upper respiratory tract infection.
Sore throat
Children with weak immune system develop illness like