Satsuma belongs to the Mandarin orange family. It is a seedless, easy to peel, delicious fruit. This vibrant skinned low calorie snack is a wonderful antioxidant-rich treat. Satsuma is popularly used in salads in its raw form. Additionally, these tangerines can also be used to render a delicious flavor to ice creams, muffins, cakes, and candies.
# Healthy Hair
These oranges are known sources of Vitamin B 12 and Vitamin E. Both these vitamins are quintessential for the growth of hair. A natural antioxidant, regular use of this fruit satsuma for hair safeguards your hair from the negative impacts of pollution, thus preventing premature graying. Rinsing your hair with a rinse made of coconut oil and Satsuma juice is known to render a visible shine to it.
# Cholesterol
The antioxidants present in Satsuma aid in lowering the levels of LDL and promote HDL. These members of the orange family combat the free radicals. Free radicals, if left untamed, could oxidize cholesterol, making it stick to arterial walls, thus paving way for cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis. The presence of insoluble and soluble fibers in surplus levels also prevents the absorption of cholesterol in your gut.
# Control Diabeties
This fruit is a good source of fiber. Plus, it has the potential to lower and control insulin levels by preventing the transformation of sugars into fats. Thus, it can be used by diabetics to keep their sugar levels under control.
# Delays Aging
Satsuma comes packed with antioxidants, Vitamin C. The C Vitamin neutralizes the free radicals present in your body, flushes out the toxins, and thus delays the onset of fine lines and wrinkles. By elimination of toxins, the orange also helps in eliminating the blemishes from your skin. Consume it raw or as juice or apply it topically for a healthy, glowing, blemish-free skin.
# Digestion
It is a good source of fiber. This makes it easy to cleanse the system. The natural antispasmodic properties of these fruits help in calming down the digestive system due to excessive vomiting.