If you needed another good reason to eat more fresh produce, boron can be found naturally in a number of plant based foods including fruits, nuts, and beans. The vast majority of the body’s supply of boron comes through our diets but it is also found in smaller amounts in water. When it comes to minerals, we do not often pay much attention to boron. However, it is a trace mineral that is possibly undervalued when it comes to human health. You can find boron in the environment as well as in certain plant-based foods. Its various uses include improving skeletal structure and bone density, helping to treat arthritis and boosting muscle mass.
# Boron is mostly associated with bone strength and muscle mass because it helps improve the use of calcium in the body. It also helps protect against bone weakness and conditions like osteoporosis because it regulates the function of estrogen in both women and men. Studies also indicate that boron aids the bones and other bodily functions by helping it use its vitamin D supplies more effectively.
# High levels of boron in the body help us to utilize certain other important nutrients more effectively including calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. This is important in order to build muscle mass, burn fat reserves, prevent pain and muscle recovery following injury. Boron also helps promote the production of testosterone which has various muscle benefits.

# As we have already mentioned, boron helps calcium integrate into the body’s bones and joints more effectively. This can help prevent deterioration and weakening of the joints and help to ease the pain from arthritis.
# Boron can help to balance the sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen in both women and their male counterparts. This can have a positive impact on menopausal symptoms and PMS in women. It may also help increase fertility. Studies done on animals have found that low levels of boron might be linked to infertility and to birth defects. This suggests that boron is very important for reproduction and fetal development.
# Boron is actually one of the active ingredients in medicine prescribed for female yeast infections or candidiasis. Boron can be used as a more natural alternative to commercial yeast medications and cream. The topical application of boric acid is generally regarded as an effective and safe remedy for vaginal yeast infections.