8 Healthy Foods Items To Help You Control Blood Sugar

Refusing sugar is often the initial recommendation for individuals aiming to regulate their blood sugar levels. The list of items to steer clear of includes a wide array, ranging from sugary treats and bread to cookies, rice, and even certain fruits. This extensive list might give the impression that managing blood sugar necessitates an intricate dietary regimen. Nonetheless, everyday food choices can play a significant role in blood sugar management.

Continue reading to discover effective food options for blood sugar control, but first, let's clarify the significance of the Glycemic Index.

The Glycemic Index (GI) serves as a gauge for how rapidly a particular food can lead to an elevation in blood sugar levels. Take, for instance, the common advice to avoid white rice for diabetic individuals. But have you ever wondered why this is the case? It's because white rice boasts a GI of 73, categorizing it as a high glycemic index food (GI>70). Essentially, consuming white rice can trigger a sudden surge in blood sugar levels. Therefore, adhering to a low-GI diet is recommended for effective blood sugar management. Low-GI foods, with a GI rating of 55 or less, are less likely to cause significant blood sugar fluctuations. Furthermore, adopting a low-GI diet can contribute to weight loss and help regulate cholesterol levels.

# Oats

In recent years, oats have gained significant popularity in the breakfast scene, with overnight oats emerging as a fresh trend. They offer a convenient and delightful way to incorporate your daily fiber intake. Oats are also a rich source of complex carbohydrates, which means that even a modest serving can keep you satiated for an extended period.

Suggestion: Flavored oats can be tempting but are often laden with sugar and preservatives. Instead, opt for plain oats and customize your bowl to your liking by adding your favorite fruits and nuts.

# Nuts

Both almonds and peanuts have been associated with lower blood sugar levels in individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. They are low on the Glycemic Index scale, making them an excellent choice for snacking.

Suggestion: Nuts are high in fats and can be heavy on the digestion. Be mindful of portion sizes; a teaspoon of peanut butter or almond butter at a time is sufficient.

# Flax seeds (alsi)

Abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and more, flax seeds are a nutritional powerhouse that should not be overlooked. They have been shown to assist not only in sugar regulation but also in managing blood pressure and reducing the risk of cancer.

Suggestion: Some people may not appreciate the taste of plain flax seeds. An appealing option is to incorporate roasted flax seeds into your smoothie or sprinkle them atop a salad for a satisfying crunch.

# Citrus fruits and berries

Who can resist the allure of fresh fruit as a snack? Fruits such as oranges, strawberries, and blueberries offer a tasty and low-GI alternative to satiate your sweet cravings. Moreover, citrus fruits contain polyphenols that enhance insulin sensitivity, promoting stable sugar levels.

Consume fruits in their entirety. While fruit juices may seem more convenient, you can only harness the full nutritional benefits by consuming the whole fruit.

# Eggs

We're well aware that eggs are a prime source of protein and essential vitamins. However, they are also a low-GI food item that aids in sugar level control. Nonetheless, moderation is key, so limit your intake to one egg per day.

Suggestion: The healthiest way to enjoy eggs is by boiling, poaching, or scrambling them in milk, avoiding excessive butter. You can also enhance their nutritional value by adding some vegetables.

# Dark chocolate

The flavonoids found in dark chocolate have been proven to help prevent diabetes and lower cholesterol levels. It also contains polyphenols.

Suggestion: Commercially available dark chocolate is usually processed and includes added sugars to mitigate bitterness and enhance palatability. However, this processing diminishes its health benefits. Restrict your consumption to a small, unprocessed piece of dark chocolate.

# Beans and legumes

Beans are already a staple in the Indian diet, and lentils, chickpeas, beans, and peas can prevent blood sugar spikes while providing a rich source of plant-based protein.

Suggestion: It's important to note that legumes also contain phytates and lectins, the potential risks of which are still under evaluation. This can sometimes lead to a feeling of heaviness and bloating for some individuals.

# Seafood

Although not as prevalent in Indian cuisine, salmon is a noteworthy source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Shrimp and other shellfish are also suitable options for individuals with diabetes.

Suggestion: Aim for approximately two servings of grilled or baked fish per week for optimal results.
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