We have all grown up listing, "Sunday ho ya Monday, Roz Khao Andey". And we all used to love that advertisement, but many of us were not allowed to eat eggs. but, least we know the amazing benefits of eating raw eggs, and yes you should start eating them too.
1. Allergies
Cooking eggs changes the composition of fats and proteins. The chemical shape of the egg protein is altered when exposed to heat and this can cause allergies. Interestingly enough, many people who stop eating cooked eggs and switch to raw eggs find that their egg allergies disappear.
2. Vitamins
Vitamin B12 keeps blood and nerve cells in good working order. Raw egg yolks are also rich in folate, which guards against anemia, especially in pregnant women. Eggs also contain choline, which has been found to help in memory preservation.
3. Vitamins A, D, E, K
Fat-soluble vitamins are highly important in your body. Vitamins A, D and K work together with each other and with other essential minerals including magnesium, calcium and zinc. According to research, optimizing vitamin D levels can cut your risk of cancer in half.
4. Biotin
Egg yolks contain one of the highest concentrations of biotin found in nature. So, contrary to what you might think, ditching the yolks and eating the whites is not the way to go. If you only consume raw egg whites, you will most definitely develop a biotin deficiency unless you take a biotin supplement. Biotin is needed for the formation of fatty acids and glucose. Both of these are used as fuels by the body and are critical for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids.