Holi is the festival to gulp down a few shots of bhang but an aching head and nauseating stomach can take all the fizz out of your festive spirit. Bhang, made with the leaves and buds of the cannabis plant, can give you a hangover that can range from moderate to severe.
1 Lemon water: Good old lemon water is an excellent source of anti-oxidants and vitamin C that prevents formation of free radicals.
2 Say no to tea/coffee: Having tea or coffee can make it worse.Tea and coffee contain strong caffeine that can have an adverse effect.
3 Hydrate your body: Drink lots of water to flush out intoxicants from your body.If you are dehydrated, bhang will have a stronger effect on you.
4 Keep your stomach full: Bhang or any alcohol hits you badly when you consume it empty stomach. Make sure you have had a full meal before drinking bhang. But avoid having oily, fried and heavy food along with bhang as it can worsen the hangover.
5 Chew high fibre foods: Fruits and vegetables have high fibre and anti-oxidants that help counter intoxication.Have a light salad such as a fruit salad or a green salad as it helps combat a hangover effectively.
6 Sleep: Even sleep is a good remedy for tackling hangover woes. Sleep relaxes your mind and body and also reduces headache.
7 Warm bath: A rejuvenating luke warm bath soothes your nerves and gives instant relief.