Kohlrabi, is actually a cultivar of cabbage and was specifically bred as a hardier version of cruciferous vegetables, which often can’t grow in as harsh of conditions.Kohlrabi tastes somewhat like a broccoli stem, although somewhat more palatable, and is often softer, even taking on the consistency of an apple at times. While the roots and stems are often used in salads in a similar way as carrots or broccoli, the leaves are typically interchanged for kale or spinach.
1. Kohlrabi being rich in dietary fibers can help you improve you digestive system.
2. Kohlrabi is the perfect diet vegetable, because it is low in calories, high in fiber, and is packed with beneficial nutrition. Fiber makes us feel full, so even if the volume of food consumed isn’t that great, we resist the urge to snack between meals or overeat.
3. That same potassium content also function as a vasodilator, reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system by easing the tension of blood vessels and arteries. This can increase circulation throughout the body, oxygenating key areas, and lowering the risk of cardiovascular events like strokes or heart attacks. Potassium is also a key part of fluid regulation in the body, as it works with sodium to regulate fluid movement between cells.
4. As we get older, our bones inevitably weaken, but one of the best ways to avoid or significantly slow down that process is by eating mineral-rich food, which includes vegetables like kohlrabi, with high manganese, iron, and calcium contents. Preventing osteoporosis is something that can be done when you’re young, so keep those calcium levels high!
5. The significant levels of iron found in kohlrabi go hand-in-hand with the potassium content, as iron helps to increase the RBC in the body, which is essential to prevent anemia (iron deficiency), which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, headaches, stomach disorders, disorientation, and general immune system failure. The calcium found in kohlrabi also improves the uptake of iron by the body, so kohlrabi is an all-around booster for both the immune and cardiovascular systems.