After completion of nine months of pregnancy, a mother is very excited to meet her baby. She feels nervous about labor and delivery if she is going to give birth to her first child. Vaginal delivery is commonly referred way as birthing, some new techniques help a laboring woman in many ways.
Due to advancements in medical science delivery can be made successful even in the face of complications and risks by various methods. The following article explains 5 different types of baby delivery methods.
# Vaginal DeliveryThe vagina is known as the birth canal. When a baby is delivered through this birth canal it is termed as a vaginal delivery. Epidural anesthesia or pain-relieving medications may or may not be required in this. Vaginal delivery is done after completion of 40 weeks of pregnancy.
If there is no harm to the mother and baby then most of the doctors advise vaginal delivery instead of cesarean section. When a baby is delivered through the vagina, the chest of the baby squeezes due to which all amniotic fluid is cleared and the lungs of the baby expand effectively. Vaginal birth is highly recommended for the mother who plans to have multiple pregnancies.
For vaginal delivery, the cervix must be fully dilated and contractions should be present which help to push the baby out. Aromatherapy, massage, and water immersion to pharmacological options like nitric oxide gas, morphine, etc. are pain relief options for vaginal delivery.
Like every coin has two sides there are some of the benefits as well as complications of vaginal delivery.
Benefits of Vaginal Delivery
- Quicker recovery
- No need for strong pain relief medications after birth
- Shorter hospital stays
- Increased chances of early breastfeeding
- No medical problems in future pregnancies
- Women who have had a c-section previously should discuss to her doctor about the possibility of vaginal birth after c-section.
Complications of this MethodThe mother becomes exhausted from pushing and then she is unable to continue
- Fetal distress
- Perinatal asphyxia
- Excessive bleeding
# Vacuum-Assisted Delivery
This delivery technique is used in the case of vaginal birth. If the baby has stopped in the birth canal, the vacuum-assisted delivery is to be done. The doctors use a specialized vacuum pump consists of a plastic or metal cup, tubing, and handle. The cup of the vacuum is firmly attached to the baby’s head. During contractions, the mother tries to push the baby and the doctor pulls the handle of the vacuum to provide traction and this helps to give birth to the baby.
Benefits of Vacuum Extraction- Vaginal tearing is less as compared to forceps delivery
- Babies who are in distress born quickly and receive medical care
- Avoid the need for c-section and can have a vaginal birth
Risks of this MethodFailure rates are higher as compared to forceps delivery
- Local anesthetic or an epidural can be needed
- Pelvic floor damage and sustain tearing can be there
- For the attachment of the vacuum the head of the baby should be low enough in the birth canal
- Due to suction cup, there can be small swelling on the baby’s head which disappears quickly
# Forceps DeliveryThis is a peculiar type of delivery method which is required in certain cases of vaginal birth. When the baby fails to emerge out through the birth canal because of some obstructions, or mother being tired and unable to push the baby out then forceps delivery is done.
Specially created tongs which resemble forceps are inserted slowly into the vagina. These forceps then grab the baby’s head and help the baby to come out.
Risks of a Forceps Assisted Delivery
- Skull fracture
- Bleeding to the baby’s brain
- Nerves of the baby’s face damage
- Bruises and cuts to the baby’s head and face
- Damage to the vagina
- Tearing or episiotomy
# Natural ChildbirthNatural childbirth is a method that is steadily gaining popularity. No medical procedures and invasive therapies are involved in this method.
During this method, various exercises and positions are to be taken into account. Usually, a midwife stays with the mother just to ensure that delivery is successful and the mother is in good health. The location of the delivery can be a hospital or home.
Water birthing with the help of the upthrust of water can decrease the labor pain in this method. One of the most natural and painless ways nowadays is water birthing.
# Caesarian SectionsIt is a surgical procedure in which an incision is given to the mother’s abdominal wall and to the wall of the uterus to remove the baby by an obstetrician.
Some of the situations such as the baby are in transverse or breech position and placenta previa c-section is the safest option for the mother and baby.
When c-section is planned in advance then it is known as elective cesarean but there are also unplanned or emergency c-section which may be necessary if there are complications during labor.
Risks of C-Section
A longer stay in hospital- Pain around incision sites
- Complications due to anesthesia
- Complications like blood loss, DVT’s, organ damage due to incision
- The baby may need help in breathing
- Breastfeeding may be delayed