Ankle pains are the worst of their kind, they might happen due to sprains that happen unknowingly. These are worst as you can't even move and the pain increases as you move. he overall pain experienced depends on the severity of the injury, yet home remedies can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort you feel.
1. Icing
The best way to treat ankle pian is with hot and cold therapy. Use two gel packs. One should apply heat for 20 minutes. Follow it with a cold pack for 20 minutes.
Alternatively, you can prepare ice packs by filling a gallon-sized Ziploc with fresh ice. Apply the ice pack on your swelling ankle to reduce the amount of swelling will reduce your discomfort. Ensure that the ice rests directly on the swollen area. If the cold is too intense, place a small rag between the skin and the ice pack.
2. Herbal TreatmentHome remedies such as coconut and garlic oil help reduce pain and swelling when they soak directly into the skin. Mix 3 table spoon of coconut and garlic oil into a container and heat in the microwave for ten seconds, slightly warming the mixture. Generously massage the oil directly onto your ankle for ten minutes, allowing the oils to soak into your skin.Cabbage contains minerals and vitamins that are useful when ingested, as well as when they’re applied externally. Gather the outer layers, or leaves, of the cabbage plant. Blanch the leaves by boiling them in water and then immediately placing the leaves into a container of ice-cold water. Once the leaves have been blanched, wrap your entire foot and ankle, and allow them to rest for 30 minutes before removing.
3. ExerciseExercise is an ongoing home treatment that will serve as pain relief and prevention. To prevent future ankle injuries, and to strengthen an ankle that is already injured, range-of-motion exercises and stretches provide the most benefit. Only stretch or exercise the ankle once the pain has subsided.Range-of-motion exercises will increase the flexibility of tendons and ligaments that have tightened during an injury. Trace the alphabet with your toes, moving the ankle as much as possible throughout. Repeat at least ten times per day to strengthen your ankle and improve your flexibility.
While sitting on a chair, place the foot with the injured ankle flat on the floor. Slowly move your knee from side-to-side without lifting your foot off of the ground. Repeat this exercise at least ten times per day to enhance lateral movement.
4. Turmeric
- Mix two tablespoons of turmeric powder, one tablespoon of lime juice and a little bit of warm water to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to the sprained ankle and then wrap it with a bandage. Leave it on for 10 hours. Repeat again every 10 hours and continue this treatment for a week.
- For quick pain relief, mix equal amounts of turmeric powder and limestone powder and add water to make a thick paste. Heat the paste and apply it to the affected area before going to bed. Wrap it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage. Do this for two or three days.
- In case of immense pain, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk. Drink this twice daily for a week.
5. Onion
- Chop one large onion into small pieces. Put the pieces in a muslin cloth and tie it with a rubber band. Place the muslin cloth on the sprained area for at least two hours. If needed, secure the cloth with tape. Repeat as needed to reduce symptoms.
- Alternatively, chill an onion in the refrigerator for two hours. Cut the onion into small pieces and then mix them with a good amount of salt. Apply the mixture to the swollen ankle and wrap it with an elastic bandage. Replace the compress with a new one every seven to eight hours. Do this for one to two days depending upon your recovery rate.