Traditionally cultivated in the old-world agriculture, Broad Beans, known as 'Papdi', have made their way into the Indian culinary landscape due to their unique flavor, preparation, and remarkable health benefits.
These legumes, also referred to as Fava beans or sem ki phali in India, present themselves as vibrant green pods. Flat, elongated, and gently curved, the pods boast a soft, green shell housing three to six oval-shaped seeds. It's worth noting that most broad beans contain strings that require removal before consumption. Their taste profile is characterized by a subtle sweetness with earthy undertones, adding a distinct flavor to various dishes.
# Prevents birth defects1. The rich content of folates in broad beans helps promote healthy foetal development.
2. Folate promotes proper brain and spinal cord development in infants. It is vital in creating cells and organs. Folate lowers the risk of neural tube defects.
# Enhances bone health1. The high content of manganese and copper present in broad beans helps in preventing the loss of bones.
2. Lack of manganese and copper leads to reduced bone formation and increased calcium excretion.
3. Manganese prevents osteoporosis and arthritis.
# Boost immunity1. The copper present in broad beans helps maintain healthy white blood cells which destroy the pathogens and eradicates free radicals from the body.
2. Broad beans are rich in compounds that enhance the antioxidant activity. Antioxidants fight against the free radicals thus boosting immunity.
# Helps with the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease1. Consumption of fava beans helps with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
2. Fava beans are rich in levodopa compound, which is converted into the neurotransmitter and relieves other Parkinson’s symptoms.
3. The folate content of beans helps in patients with Parkinson’s.
# Other possible BenefitsPapdi produces several health benefits, apart from the health benefits mentioned above, it also produces few more such as improves symptoms of anemia, improves high blood pressure, improves heart health, aids weight loss, lowers cholesterol and provides energy.
Laden with vegetarian protein and high fiber, Broad Beans ‘Papdi’ are a great source of protein for vegan/vegetarian body builders.