This Ingredient Will Cure Sinus Infection in Just 2 Minutes

Looking for instant home remedies to cure sinus infection? Here’s a simple trick to treat sinus problem in less than 2 minutes with a simple kitchen ingredient. Let’s see proven ways to use garlic to cure sinus naturally at home!

* Garlic Steam

Garlic is a powerful ingredient to kill any bacterial, fungal infections instantly. It is a granny’s home remedy for cold, nasal congestion, sinus, headache and many other health problems. Here’s that home remedy to clear sinus at home in few minutes.


4 to 5 Garlic
Empty Vessel
Clean Towel


* Take a empty vessel and fill it with water.

* Place the vessel on stove.

* Allow the water to boil for 2 minutes.

* Add crushed garlic in the boiling water.

* Leave it for 1 minute and turn off the stove.

* Take a warm garlic steam for 5 minutes.

* Repeat this twice a day to get instant relief from sinus.
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