Apple Cider Vinegar, golden liquid concentrated with the healthy goodness of apples contains several minerals, vitamins, essential acids, enzymes and pectin (highly soluble fiber). All this makes it effective in helping to treat various canine health problems.
It is good for your dog’s skin, joints, paws and more. However, when using any apple cider vinegar remedies for your pet, be sure you follow the appropriate dosage and usage. If you have any questions, consult your vet.
1. Deters Ticks-Pour equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle.
- Optionally, add 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil.
- Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients.
- Spray it on your pet’s body, then run a comb through the wet fur.
- Do it once daily or a few times a week, depending upon the severity of the tick infestation. It will also help deter ticks and prevent an infestation.
2. Mange Infection- Mix together 1 cup each of apple cider vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on your dog’s fur, while combing it between sprays.
- Do not rinse it off. Allow it to air-dry on the fur.
- Repeat 2 or 3 times a week until the issue is resolved.
3. Skin Itchiness- Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into 1 quart of water.
- Give your dog a nice bath.
- After the bath, pour the solution over your dog’s body, carefully avoiding the eyes.
- Pat dry your dog with a towel, then let the coat dry naturally.
- Repeat a few times a week, depending upon the severity of the itchiness.
4. Flea Bites- Mix equal parts of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and water.
- Pour the contents into a spray bottle.
- Spray the solution on the affected areas on your pet’s body.
- Repeat a few times daily.
5. Arthritis Pain- Dilute apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of warm water. Soak a washcloth in the mixture until it’s saturated. Place the wet cloth directly on the dog’s joints for 10 minutes at a time. Do it 2 or 3 times a day.
- Also, add apple cider vinegar to your dog’s water to help break down calcium deposits from within. See #5 above for the appropriate dosage for your dog’s weight