Vaginal tightening : It isn't always talked about openly, but it's something an increasing number of women are curious about.
Why? Well, our vaginas age in the same way as the rest of our bodies, and the consequences of this can sometimes be unpleasant.
The good news is, whether you're experiencing vaginal atrophy (the degeneration in vaginal tissue, commonly associated with menopause), stress incontinence (or light bladder leakage), vaginal laxity post-childbirth, low sexual gratification or a combination of symptoms, there are vaginal rejuvenation treatments out there that can help.
One such treatment is
GynaeLase : a vaginal tightening treatment program that promises to help tighten and rejuvenate your vagina, without the need for surgery.
The treatment does not affect muscle directly. It stimulates the reproduction of collagen and renewal of the thickness and moisture-holding ability of the vaginal mucosa, to help reinstate lubrication.
No hospital stay is required. It is a simple procedure carried out in a gynecology room, either using one of our laser treatments or our radio frequency machine. The treatment itself takes around 30 minutes and is a relatively painless procedure, without downtime.
There are no known health risks associated with this treatment. It is done locally within the vagina and vulva externally, and has no effect on the cervix, the uterus or ovaries. Therefore, it cannot have an effect on the reproductive system or the ability to give birth.