World Cancer Day- 7 Foods You Can Eat To Prevent Breast Cancer

Cancer that develops in the breast tissue can be dangerous and is commonly seen in women. An early diagnosis can lead to successfully treating the tumour irrespective of the breast cancer type. However, as it’s said, prevention is better than cure. Hence, early precautions and changes in lifestyle can reduce your chances of being affected by this deadly disease.

Though research is still on about medicines to tackle the disease more effectively, there are certain foods known to prevent breast cancer. Read on to know about them-

# Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds contain Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fibres that have the potential to form a shield around the cancer cells causing breast cancer. Omega-3 fatty acids supportand boost your immune system. Flaxseeds can be consumed as whole seed, in powdered form or as an oil in salad dressings. You can even add flax seeds to your brownies and desserts.

# Garlic

This superfood contains allium, which plays a vital role in fighting against cancer. It can slow down tumour growth and prevent the occurrence of cancer. According to a study in 20007, researchers have analyzed and found a positive effect of garlic and other allium vegetables on both estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent breast cancer.

# Green Tea

This popular brew is high in polyphenol and catechins, which help to protect cells from DNA damage caused by free radicals. The phytochemicals present in green tea can help you keep breast cancer at bay.

# Pomegranate

Pomegranates contain polyphenol, which is an ellagic acid scientifically proven to prevent cancer growth. This magic fruit with antioxidant properties is said to ward off breast cancer. However, there isn’t any official recommendation on how much pomegranate juice or extract should be taken to benefit from its effects. Diabetics must be careful as the fruit is typically high in sugar and can affect the blood sugar levels.

# Berries

Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, contain high amounts of polyphenols which have anti-cancer properties. Berries are also high in antioxidants that are proven to reduce breast cancer risks.

# Dark green leafy vegetables

Dark green vegetables are rich in fibre, Vitamin B, phytochemicals, chlorophyll etc.Vegetables like kale, spinach, mustard, turnip, and beet greens can provide your body with all the necessary nutrients that are required to keep breast cancer away.

# Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables like Cabbage, Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. are rich in antioxidant vitamins, such as C, E, and K, and are high in fibre. They contain glucosinolates, sulforaphane and indoles, which can regulate cell growth and can fight breast cancer.
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