World Diabetes day (WDD) is an important healthcare event marked on 14 November every year to highlight the shooting prevalence of diabetes and its impact and educate people about the preventive tips of diabetes.
Diabetes, as we all know, is a metabolic disease that causes our blood sugar levels to rise. This seemingly minor disease can prove to be quite fatal if proper care and restraint are not followed. So, what is Diabetes Care you might ask? Diabetes doesn’t have a cure but you can try to control it if you are already affected by it or just try and prevent diabetes from affecting you.
Now the next question you must be thinking is how to prevent diabetes or how to control diabetes? The answer to both these question lies in our food plate. That’s right! Our food holds the key to our body’s ability to fight diabetes, prevent it from causing havoc and control our blood sugar levels.
# Greek Yogurt Enjoy it in a smoothie or pair it with some berries and seeds and enjoy it as a snack, Greek yoghurt is a great way to get your daily dose of protein. This healthy substitute to regular yoghurt contains more protein and fewer carbs that help control both hunger levels and blood sugar.
# Berries Berries are nature’s very own dessert, so when you are craving for a sweet, simply grab some strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries and satiate your sweet craving without causing any harm to blood glucose levels. These berries are low on the glycaemic index and are considered as a superfood for diabetics.
# Avocado This naturally fatty fruit holds many benefit for a diabetic person. It contains a significant amount of healthy fats and dietary fibre, which can help slow carbohydrate digestion, absorption thereby preventing blood sugar spikes. So, go ahead grab your favourite avocado toast and enjoy a guilt-free delight.
# Brown bread You can still eat your toasts and sandwiches even on a diabetic diet. The key lies in portion control and using 100% whole wheat bread. Several studies have proven that you do not need to entirely cut carbs out of your diabetic diet, rather you can simply switch to complex carb like whole-wheat bread that is higher in vitamins, minerals and fibre than white bread.
# Eggs Eggs are a power-packed diabetic food that holds significant health benefits like, decrease inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, increase good HDL cholesterol, protect good eye health and also keep you full for a long time.
# Fatty Fish Fatty fishes are a blessing for diabetics. Fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel, herrings, anchovies and contain a rich amount of essential Omega 3 fatty acids that prevent the risk of strokes and heart diseases that are the single deadliest complication of diabetes.
# Nuts Nuts are power-packed snacks that even a diabetic can enjoy. The high healthy fat content makes nuts like almonds, cashew, walnuts, pistachios, pecan, Brazil nuts, Hazelnuts and Macadamia nuts a great diabetic food, that help in lowering blood sugar and reduce insulin levels.
# Seeds Just like nuts, seeds too, are rich in healthy fats, protein and fibre. Nearly all the types of seeds – pumpkin, flax, chia, sunflower and sesame work wonders in keeping the blood sugar level low and fight off heart diseases.
# Shirataki Noodles That’s right now you can have your noodles and eat them too, well shirataki noodles to be exact. Made out of Glucomannan flour shirataki noodles are a wonder food for diabetics. The glucomannan flour helps lower blood sugar levels and also delays stomach emptying thus preventing post-meal blood glucose spike.
# Dark Chocolates Diabetes and chocolates? Yes, that’s right now you can give in to your sweet cravings and enjoy a piece or two of dark chocolate, without spiking your blood sugar. Dark chocolates having 70% cacao are rich in antioxidants and help fight inflammation.