5 Facts About Dead Sea You Were Un-aware About

Few bodies of water hold as much significant historic, geographic, and religious importance as the Dead Sea. Ancient Egyptians and Jewish and Islamic traditions alone have put the Dead Sea on the map. It also stands as a unique location for health and spa treatments, and tourists love to go there for a nice day at the beach. Here are 5 Truly Fascinating Facts About The Dead Sea.

* High saline levels make it impossible for plants, fish, and other larger organisms to live in the Dead Sea, hence the word “dead.” However, smaller organisms like bacteria have been found in craters at the bottom of the lake.

* The Dead Sea is drying up, and evidence shows it could be completely dry in 50 years if nothing is done. Israel and Jordan have partnered to pump water into the lake from the Red Sea to stop this from happening.

* Highway 90 in Israel to the West Bank runs right along the Dead Sea, making it the lowest road in the world. It’s also considered a highly dangerous road with lots of reported accidents.

* A fertilizer used since ancient times, potash is a water soluble form of potassium that is mined out of the Dead Sea. Today, it’s a billion dollar enterprise.

* Spa resorts surround the Dead Sea area, providing a place for people to treat their skin with the salt and mud. Dead Sea Salt is also a popular ingredient in many lotions and creams.
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