Before reading through this list, keep in mind that determining the most expensive city in the world is not as objective a task as it may seem. There are a number of factors to account for including exchange rates, price levels, lifestyle, and more. For the purposes of this list and so that me might keep things consistent we decided to focus on the cities that would be most expensive for a foreigner to move to and still maintain their current lifestyle (this is why you see cities like Kinshasa in the rankings). So, according to the factors we considered, these are the 5 most expensive cities to live in.
* Tokyo, JapanNotoriously expensive if you want to rent a two bedroom apartment in Tokyo get ready to dish over at least $5,000 per month.
* Oslo, NorwayBeating out Copenhagen for the title of most expensive city in Europe after the appreciation of the kroner, Oslo is known as a safe haven for investors.
* Luanda, AngolaAfter the kwanza depreciated the Angolan capital was bumped down to third place on our list. Expats can expect to pay over $3,500 per month for a two bedroom apartment here.
* Nagoya, JapanResponsible for nearly 45 percent of all automobiles produced in Japan the city of Nagoya is a manufacturing hub well known for its high cost of living.
* Stavanger, NorwayKnown as Norway’s petroleum capital Stavanger has food prices that are roughly 50 percent higher than the European average with a can of soda costing nearly $3.