5 Most Smartest Animals Alive in The World

If you believed that humans are the only smartest and intelligent race inhabiting the planet earth, then guess what you might be completely wrong. Long gone the days when humans were the only smartest creatures living on the planet earth. Animals are considered man’s best companion but what if they possess almost same intelligence level as you have. Ming boggling isn’t it?

# Veined Octopus

The veined octopus is known for its smartness. Biologists have observed these octopuses excavating coconut half shells from the ocean floor and carrying them to use as portable shelters. This is a sign of learning capacity among the octopuses. They are capable of navigating their way through mazes, solve problems quickly and remember the solutions to their problems for a short term. Scientists have figured out that octopus begins to play in a boring situation and playing is something which is associated with intelligent animals. Their brains are huge in terms of the standards of invertebrates.

# Squirrel

Squirrels are experts at adapting and capable of living almost anywhere. Abstract thought and memory are two parameters that make squirrels extremely smart creatures. They can learn things by observing and have an excellent memory. They hide nuts to access them later, a skill which is only possible if their memory is sharp. They practice ‘scatter hoarding’ which means placing single nuts in single holes, which is a sign of strong memory. Squirrels are also capable of memorizing the easiest route up a tree to get back and forth from their nests.

# Pig

The cognitive ability of pigs is an issue of great debate among the scientists. Pigs living in close-knit communities learn a lot from the mistakes and habits of other pigs. Pigs are attentive, investigative, and inquisitive. They remember locations very well and can recognize themselves in the mirrors. They can be socially manipulative with other pigs and can differentiate between the other pigs they know and the strangers. Pigs are also brilliant at remembering where food stores are cached and are the quickest animals to learn a new routine.

# Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are the third smartest animals alive on earth with their ability to learn sign language. They are able to use the mirrors just like we humans do and try to groom themselves whenever in front of a mirror. The decision making quality makes them appear different from other animals. They seem to wait, observe the situation and surroundings, and then act based on what they have seen and considered. Problem-solving is another skill attributed to the chimpanzees. They are capable of communicating not the same way as humans do but by making noises which indicate their general mood.

# Orangutan

The name orangutan literally translates into English as ‘person of forest’. Orangutans are considered one of the smartest creatures present on earth. They have the ability to reason and think. The display of various emotions like fear, joy, anger, surprise makes them appear just like humans. Apart from all this, they are blessed with insight, imitation, self- awareness and planning. These animals are usually large but gentle creatures. According to Indonesian mythology, orangutans have the ability to speak.
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