5 Places To Enjoy Christmas Around The World

It’s Christmas day in few days and all over the world Christmas celebrations are brewing. But if you happen to live in one of these 5 best places to celebrate Christmas, then you are probably enjoying the holiday a little bit more then the rest of us. Nevertheless, Merry Christmas, and may this day be filled with many well wishes for you and your family.

* Key West, Florida

You can’t get any more laid back than Key West. Warm temperatures, beautiful beaches, and a crowd of people who know how to have fun makes Key West a good choice to spend Christmas.

* New York City, N.Y.

With a 69 to 100 feet Norway spruce tree decked with about 30,000 lights attached to 5 miles of wiring and topped off with a 550 pound star, New York boasts of being one of the best cities to experience a grand Christmas day.

* Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam is a beautiful city in its own right with 16th and 17th century houses adorning it’s streets. Add all sort of lights and decorations, and you have the perfect ingredients for an amazing Christmas experience.

* Cologne, Germany

It’s hard to beat a City who boasts of having eight Christmas markets, each packed with all manners of gifts, foods, and holiday items.

* Venice, Italy

During the holidays, the tourist season for one of the worlds most important tourist destination thins out, creating a beautiful opportunity to enjoy the grandeur of Venice and its holiday decorations.
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