6 Amazing New Year Traditions From Around The World

New Year is just 4 months away and everybody is talking about Christmas and New Year celebration. Everyone celebrate festivals according to their tradition, some chose to enjoy food with their family and some choose to party hard with their friends. Many of you are not aware that there are many traditions blossoming around the world around the New Year's first day.

People try to follow their ways in the best possible manner they can. Few of them are so strange that you will be shocked on a guarantee. So, scroll down to have look on the complete list of old traditions around the globe.

# Effigy burning, Panama

It is the strange one as statue of anyone who is famous is burned as a way to start the New Year with good hope.

# Great balls of fire, Scotland

It is again scary as they have a tradition to walk in streets of New Year's Eve while swinging blazing balls of fire around.

# Red underwear, Turkey

Nothing can be better than this to surprise your love one. In New Year days, red lingerie is available in the streets and sells out fast.

# 108 Rings, Japan

In Japan they ring bell 108 times continuously to bring luck in New Year.

# Underwater tree planting, Siberia

It is a tradition, in which people cut a whole under ice water and do diving.

# Cemetery sleepover, Chile

Scary one! In Chile, people spend their New Year night in the company of their deceased ones by sleeping at the cemetery.
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