In this era, when traveling becomes affordable to most and the world becoming a small global village, it is important to educate ourselves on certain customs whenever we navigate. Of course, we do not want to offend our hosts and labeled discourteous because we are ignorant of their unique customs. Knowing these can even be a bridge for a long-lasting friendship.
# Do not Decline a Sauna Invitation in FinlandDon’t be surprised if you get a sauna invitation in Finland. It is not uncommon to have a sauna in this Scandinavian country as a way to strengthen interpersonal relationships among family and friends. What more if this is offered after a business meeting, which means a sweet success.
# Be Aware When Giving Flowers in RussiaRussians are serious about the connotation of yellow flowers. Beware, as it means treachery to them and well, it also signifies that the relationship is over. Red Carnations, likewise, is not to be presented to a friend because these are offered on the graves or given to living war veterans.
# Don’t Expect Appreciation for These Simple Gifts When in ChinaThe uniqueness of Chinese beliefs and traditions can be puzzling in so many ways than one. Don’t you dare give gifts such as clocks, straw, sandals, flowers and handkerchiefs as these are all pertaining to death and funerals. Otherwise, you’ll strain your relationship to them.
# In Greece, Extracted Baby Tooth Are Tossed to the RoofA belief shared in some parts of the Philippines, Greeks would throw their baby tooth to the roof. The act allows them to believe for good tidings and healthy permanent ones.
# Don’t Sprinkle Salt on Your Meal in EgyptEgyptians, like most Arabs, are hospitable. However, you have to conceal your dissatisfaction when you think the meal they served is bland as sprinkling a salt can be offensive to them.
# Don’t Forget to Use Knife and Fork When Eating in NorwayIf you love eating with your hands to feel the food, not so in this small Scandinavian nation. Whatever meal is served, the use of a knife and fork is a must. They truly value table manners with these two utensils.
# It’s OK to be Late in VenezuelaTruly unusual but showing up on time over meal’s invitation in this South American country can be misconstrued as being too eager, let alone, greedy. It is always better to show up 10 to 15 minutes later than the agreed time.
# Sharp-edge Gifts are a Big No in NetherlandsWhile women, especially, mothers in some parts of the world would revel on a fancy kitchen knives or scissors as presents, in the Netherlands, these are not welcomed. To them, sharp, pointed objects as gifts are a sign of bad luck.