5 Easy Ways To Keep Your Small Kitchen Organized

Are You worry from your small kitchen and thinking that there is not enough space to put your things. try these tips to make your kitchen spacious-

* Organize the needy things

Get rid of what isn't used. Ask yourself, do I need it, do I use it AND is there something else that will also do the same job.

* Utilize Your Space Well

Who says cleaners go under the sink? The sink sits in the corner and the base cabinet is the largest cabinet in every kitchen. It holds all of the small appliances like mixer, waffle iron and crock pot.

* Keep Only What You Need In The Kitchen Area

Keep only the cleaners you need on a daily basis nearby. Since we've gone green, the amount of cleaners we use has cut down tremendously. The few you need are in a pretty bin on the floor of the pantry and store the rest in the garage and refill containers when needed.

* Don't Overstock

Don't overstock the kitchen. When you purchase large quantities of something, it's stored elsewhere, like on shelves in garage where have more space.

* Use Every Bit of Space Available

Add extra shelves in little pantry. All the way to the ceiling, and on the side. Both of these areas were empty. Made cute bins for the floor that sit under the bottom shelf. All of this added about 30% more storage space.
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